Chapter 10

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Note: Hey everyone how are you all? so i just wanna say thanks to NatalieMe for the comments she has left me and thank you to everyone who is reading. Hopefully things should get into the swing in the next few chapters so thank you for putting up with me. Enjoy =)


When I arrived back in the kitchen I saw that things were quieter than usual.

"Okay, like I said before I'm going outside" I said, breaking the silence and grinning at everyone before making my way through the kitchen doorway. Strangely enough I didn't feel claustrophobic like I usually did. I walked past the dining room table and through into the conservatory, as the French doors leading into the garden were here. Opening them I walked through and was greeted by the smell of freshly cut grass. Which was strange considering I don't think the grass had been cut within the last two weeks. I shrugged it off, passing the smell off as being linked the earth element.

Instead of sitting down to meditate I tied my hair back, using the band I always kept on my left arm, and pulled it tightly into a neat bun, this way it would stop my hair from flopping into my face.I bit my bottom lip as I realised that training might be a little harder than usual as I usually trained with someone, but I forgot about that and started to warm up. First off I rolled my shoulders, forwards and backwards before rolling my neck. Next I stretched my arms by doing simple stretches and rolling them in circles and finally I stretched my leg muscles. All these stretches though came from ones I learned throughout school. When I was done stretching I pretended there was a punching bag in front of me and started throwing random punches. Next I began kicking at random stuff and doing tricks with my legs, I had a lot of new ones but I needed to practice with someone to do that.

After that I got bored, I get bored quite easily, so I summoned fire.

"Fire I need your help-" I started as the air around me warmed up at hearing my voice "-I need you to send random fireballs at me so I can dodge them and stuff" I finished and felt the warm air from fire wrap around me as if telling me it would obey. I took a step back and clicked my fingers generating a spark which turned to a flame on the tips of my thumb and middle finger. Quickly so as not to let the flame out, I moved my finger and thumb away from each other and the flame fell onto my palm. The flame caught fire and I nourished it, feeding it warmth and random bits of anger and it grew until it consumed the whole of my right hand, from the tip of my middle finger down to my wrist. When that happened I threw it into the air where it hovered above me before moving from side-to-side.

Chris was right when he said our powers are like people. They are in a way and my elements were proof of that as they needed to be fed the right emotion and know that they are helping me, and with my strength they fuel themselves until they are an extension of me. Watching fire in front of me was amazing as the flames grew and seemed to dance as the wind caught them. No. That was the element air. I grinned feeling the power inside me swell as my elements wanted to be free and play with their siblings. Yeah that sounds weird, but like I said they are like people. For example when they need to work some powerful magic they must be invoked into a circle as the circle connects them all to each other. It's like the Charmed Ones, their magic comes from one another and their bonds as siblings.

I felt a burning sensation in my arm and could feel fire swelling around me knocking me out of my thoughts. It seemed to say I thought you wanted to train? I rolled my eyes and decided to let go.

"Elements I call you to me. Air, fire, water, earth, spirit be free" I said and raised my arms so that the elements could be free. I was instantly greeted with the air rustling through the trees and playing with lose strands of hair. The earth came alive and made everything look like it was glowing. Water gave me a sense of calm and freedom, even though this element was far from its zone as there was no water nearby, I could tell it was enjoying the freedom. Lastly I felt my spirit soar, like I was flying and instantly felt content with the world because of all my elements surrounding me.

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