Chapter 3

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"You silly little girl" a rough voice said behind me. "-you might've killed my family but I will be much harder to get rid of. I'm too powerful for you to take on your own." he laughed at me. But I had secrets. A special secret that no one, not even Billie and Chris knew about. A secret that I was not proud of and it had to be kept hidden at all times, which is why I am always careful using my powers too much in case I get angry, especially if I'm using fire. I don't want them to know the monster that I am. But I couldn't think about that now.

"So you think. You demons have no idea who I am, and you won't be able to tell them because you'll be dead in no time." I sneered at him. Feeling the top of my lip curl up like an animal teasing its prey.

I could feel my face contort as I gave in to my demonic side. The side no one, except my wonderful mother and my demon father knew about. The demon opposite me nearly dropped dead seeing my face change.

"It's you! It's you! My lady I'm so sorry" he mumbled. If demons could cry I was positive that he would be sobbing at my feet, which he was nearly doing.

 "Stop your snivelling. What are you talking about? You don't know me" I said changing back to normal. I had done what I had intended to. He was frightened. As I was powerful, even for a half demon, he could feel the power radiating off me as I had tapped into it. But I couldn't keep going for long as soon it would take me over completely, so I started rhyming.

"With the power from my mother's line. Let past ghosts be here in this time, to allow them to move on, and peace be found within their son. Listen to me now, and please let it be, make this demon burn for all eternity" and before my eyes the demon erupted into flames, screaming in pain. Strangely enough he was able to say,

"Thank you, my sister. I will be protecting you" before he vanished into smoke. This time I knew he was gone forever, but his words confused me.

 I started my way towards home again thinking about what he could mean, but only giving myself a bigger headache. Why would he call me sister? I thought. Finally deciding that I didn't care about why he would say that, I stopped trying to understand. Then I remembered that I was still harnessing control over my demonic side so I concentrated on ignoring it and shutting it down, while I made my way back home.

Just as I approached the manor, I had managed to shut off my demonic half and gain control over my emotions. I didn't care about being caught so I walked up the stairs and in through the front door right into the arms of Wyatt and Chris who were waiting just inside the door. I rolled my eyes and hugged them back. Wyatt pulled away but Chris didn't, holding onto me for as long as he could. Even though he was squashing me I didn't care, I held on to him as well.

Finally after what felt like half an hour he let me go and I could see that he was fighting to hold back tears. He started shaking me so hard.

"Lila-Rose do you know how worried were we? We thought you'd left us for good this time when you didn't come back after an hour. Melinda is in your room right now crying her eyes out thinking that you don't care about her anymore!" he said and the tears started to spill. I just walked off towards the staircase to go and see Melinda, not wanting to hear the lecture just yet. I was starting to feel the burning all over my body now, but I had to make sure Melinda was okay.

"-what were you doing anyway?" Chris said finally. It seemed that he hadn't stopped ranting since I came in. I was on the second set of stairs when I turned and looked at him.

"What do you think I was doing Christopher?" I replied, using his full name. In this family we didn't tend to use full names unless we were angry or upset at the other person. There was also the fact that we didn't like our full names. I didn't mind mine but it was a bit much using my full double-barrelled name. Throughout the argument, Wyatt was sitting on the chair in the hall, just in front of the staircase, watching us argue. He knew not to get involved when it was an argument between us because we would just have a go at him. He'd learned that the hard way.

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