Chapter 34

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  • Dedicated to To My Half-Brother, Who I Hope Feels Better Soon

Darkness engulfed me and images swam before me. No, not again, I don't want to see my demise I panicked as I recognised the alleyway I was in. I was so fed up with this recurring nightmare.

"Lila" a voice whispered from behind me. I turned around and saw that Cole was standing before me.

"Cole" I breathed in relief. He frowned at me and opened his arms. I ran to him and he placed his hands lightly on my shoulders.

"What's happened?" he asked me. I shrugged, making his hands bobble.

"Nothing really, just the usual. Feeling sick on a car journey when I'm awake. Hearing a male voice that tells me my true calling is evil. Dreaming about this stupid alleyway again" I grinned at him and he frowned at hearing me joke around.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked him.

"I'm watching over you. It seems that I have nothing else to do and seeing as how you are similar to what I was like I thought I would take care of you, except it's getting harder to reach you while you're awake" he replied. I made a face at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked. He took his hands away and gestured to a chair that appeared behind us.

I sat down and sank into the fabric. It was so soft. As soon as my body touched the fabric the view changed. We were no longer in the alleyway but sitting in a garden area that had a good view of Golden Gate Bridge. There were pillars surrounding a square of green grass. Flowers covered the edges in cute little flower boxes. Strange this place is familiar. I know that someone I knew showed it to me. Then it clicked, this was the place I saw a few days ago, in another dream of the future selves of Chris, Wyatt and me. This was where a future version of Chris asked a girl to marry him. I remember that the place didn't look at beautiful as this, as everything had been blown apart. This was the world that had been created because someone was aiming to turn Wyatt evil, but future Chris came back to save his family. Looking at this place now I couldn't imagine that happening and I'm sure that it never would.

"Lila?" Cole said I shook myself away from my thoughts, and smiled at him.

"Lila there's something wrong" he said and my hands balled up into fists.

"Something is happening to you and it's blocking me from coming through, it's blocking other spirits as well. It's not right. Have you done anything?" he asked and I bit my lip before shaking my head.

"The only thing I've done is listen to my elements more. Fire told me that someone has been manipulating them which is why I've become so angry. And I've also closed the bonds with Wyatt and Chris for a while until I gain control of my emotions, because I don't want something to happen to them until I gain control of what I'm feeling" I explained and saw Cole grimace.

"I understand what you're going through. How the different parts of you fight against each other, but you're lucky because I couldn't shut off my demonic half very well, and it almost killed my wife and her family" he said and I felt sorry for him, especially since he still blames himself, even though Phoebe is happy with Coop.

"Yeah, I want to be able to be myself but to do that I have to tell them I'm half demon. After what happened between you and Phoebe I'm scared that they will feel threatened and end up vanquishing me." Cole nodded and I suddenly felt close to him. At least two people understood what I was going through. But one of those people was my mom and I couldn't talk to her.

"Anyway I'm just here to tell you that spirits need your help to cross over but no one can get through to you. It's almost like you've got a shield around yourself that doesn't allow you to look through. Whatever is happening I believe that it's the work of an outside force that doesn't want you helping people" Cole explained. I chewed my bottom lip while he said this. Who could it be then? Cole shrugged.

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