Chapter 4

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Author's Note: You need to have watched seasons 4 and 6 to understand parts of this chapter and the next one when I post it. Hope you enjoy and can you please leave a message telling me what you think of the story so far. And vote please. Thanks. Laura  XxX


I woke up in the attic. The sisters and Leo were there, but there was something different about Leo. Firstly he was younger, as were the sisters. Secondly there was a vibe about him which gave a sense of power.

Phoebe was sitting on the chair while Leo paced back and forth each pace making the floorboard creak. That's strange I'm positive that the board was fixed I thought.

"Leo" Piper said suddenly realising something

"What?" he replied.

"Fix the floorboard" Phoebe said. Leo just looked confused. I didn't know what was happening but in a way I did. Boy was I confused.

"Maybe we can use it to send him something-" Phoebe began

"-Like his powers" Paige finished.

"Would that be possible?" Piper asked, looking at Leo.

"Maybe that's where Bianca took him. To the attic in the future." Phoebe said.

Who the hell is Bianca? I thought again.

My view switched. I was standing in the attic but it was different. Darker. A male and female were there. The male was good looking with long-ish hair. The female was wearing a black leather suit. She reminded me of cat-woman without the mask.

"Welcome home, Chris" a voice said, and the many men there moved to reveal a guy with wavy dirty blonde hair. I could easily feel the power radiating off him which was weird. Either he was a really powerful witch, more powerful than Wyatt which I didn't think was possible, or he was evil. I was going for the latter. He didn't look familiar yet I recognised him. I recognised both of the men here. Wait a sec. Did he just say Chris? As in my Chris?

"You know if it was anyone else I'd have had them killed. But seeing as it's you..." he trailed off. "-I've forgiven Bianca I can forgive you to" he finished.

My view switched again and I was back in the attic with the sisters. They looked at me.

"Lila are you okay?" Leo asked. I nodded.

"I just saw Chris and Bianca. You were right Phoebe. They're in the attic" I replied.

"Well that's good. We just placed the spell for Chris in the floorboard." I nodded just as my view shifted.

The woman who I'm guessing was Bianca was holding the guy with the dirty blonde hair. This I assumed was Wyatt. Gosh what happened to him? Oh right I think he's evil. Chris was kneeling on the floor, where he had just finished reading the spell. As I watched him, in my spirit body, which weirdly enough he couldn't see since he usually could when I did this, a blue light came over him, meaning his powers were back. At that time Wyatt managed to get out of Bianca's hold. He kicked her and she went flying across the room, right onto a wooden piece jutting out. It went straight through her.

"No!" Chris screamed and flung his arm across his body, sending Wyatt flying into the attic roof. He ran over to Bianca, but I didn't get to hear what was said.

I was back with the sisters just as Chris came flying through the wall and landing face first on the floor. I ran to him and helped him up.

"You okay?" I asked. He nodded, looking slightly shocked and upset.

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