Chapter 28

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I practically ran into the living room looking for Billie. She wasn't in there but Melinda, Phoebe, Paige and Amy were. I guessed they were talking about Amy's magic. I cleared my throat, feeling that my face was red from embarrassment at being caught by Chris' mom, and older brother of all people.

"Hey do you know where Billie is?" I asked quietly feeling ashamed of myself. Ashamed that I had hurt Billie and angered everyone else again and ashamed that I had nearly kissed another guy when I had a boyfriend.

"In the garden with Andy and Uncle Coop" Melinda replied and I nodded thankfully just as I heard the door close.

"Crap" I muttered under my breath before saying "thanks" aloud to Melinda.

I rushed through the door in the living room which led to the conservatory as I heard Wyatt, Piper and Chris walk into the living room. I breathed a sigh of relief as I reached the French doors but my heart was still beating furiously at my embarrassment, and the nerves I was starting to feel at the task I was about to do.

Taking in a deep breath I pushed thoughts of Chris out of my mind and focused on the task in hand and walked through the open French doors. I had to apologise to Billie. She was practically the older sister I never had and I felt so horrible that I had acted like such a spoilt brat. I emerged on the pathway that Leo had put in a few years ago because he was bored, and saw that Billie, Andy and Coop were sitting under the tree that I had climbed earlier.

Clearing my throat I walked over to them, making my presence known and giving them the chance to leave me if they wanted to. Coop smiled encouragingly at me before his face showed shock but he quickly composed it. He stood and tapped Andy on the shoulder before they both walked past me, but not before Coop squeezed my shoulder reassuringly.

We need to talk  came Coop's voice in my head. It wasn't as powerful as Chris, Wyatt's or Melinda's voice when they send their thoughts to me but it was loud enough for me to hear. I nodded at him and walked the last few steps to Billie before sitting in the chair next to her.

We sat in silence for a while as I collected my thoughts together.

"Why Lila?" Billie said quietly. I looked up at her to see that she had turned to me and looked really upset. I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

"I didn't mean to Billie. I know I say that all the time but I've just had a really bad temper over the last week and I say stuff without realising what I'm saying, or feeling like I have no control over what words I speak" I replied trying to make her understand but I knew that it hadn't worked. "-Billie I really and truly am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. You know that you're the sister I never had and I hate knowing that I was so harsh to you earlier" I apologised and realised that I was apologising too often. I really need to get control over my emotions and what I say.

I stayed silent after apologising knowing it was best to let Billie decide on her own terms. While she did that I decided to let my mind and eyes wander around the garden and smiling at what met my eyes. The flowers were blooming and the scents rose to my nostrils making them itch with pleasure at the smells I received, some of which I found comforting. My eyes wandered to the French doors to see that Chris and Wyatt were watching me. When Chris saw me watching he averted his eyes, turned his back and sat on the wicker chair next to him. I gulped and turned my gaze to Wyatt who was watching me intensely but smiled when he saw me watching. I gave him a slight smile back as I knew he was taunting me with his 'told you so' smile that always gets on my nerves.

"Okay. I believe you" Billie said and I turned away from Wyatt to look into her blue eyes. I smiled at her gratefully.

"Thank you" I replied, feeling relived that she had accepted my apology, especially since things between Chris and I might be slightly awkward for a while after what had almost happened between us today, so at least I had dealt with one of my problems today.

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