Chapter 27- Part 1

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Note: Okay so this chapter was 8 and a half pages on microsoft word so i will break it up into two parts. There is plenty of drama for you in this one. enjoy the chapters my lovelies XxX


"Who's there?" I called again once no one replied and thankfully this time my voice was strong. Rustling from behind the tree nearest to me on my right, and out came a figure. It was male.

"Who is it?" I asked suddenly hoping that this person hadn't seen me using magic.

"It's only me" came a familiar voice and as he stepped forward I saw that it was Chris. I frowned.

"Chris go away please. I'm not in the mood to deal with anyone at the moment" I said, trying to sound nice but even to my ears I sounded unsure. Still he approached until we were finally face to face. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and gave me a small smile. The same smile he had given me at my Mom's funeral and I knew that he wouldn't leave me no matter how much I begged. I moved closer to him and he hugged me, while I clutched onto his shirt and sobbed.

"Shh. It's okay I'm here for you. It's okay Lila" he whispered trying to soothe me. He only succeeded in making me sob harder. I knew he was here for me but I wanted my Mom. I shook my head while I sobbed.

"I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I don't know how to make things right and every time I try to do something to take my mind off things I end up hurting you all" I tried to explain to him, without giving away any information that would cause him to figure out the real me.

I pulled back and looked at his green eyes. They were bright but I could see sorrow in them, sorrow for me and the pain I was reliving through not having my Mom.

I shook myself mentally and pulled away from him. He let me and I sat back down on the ground next to the grave of my Mom. He joined me, but sat opposite me so he could watch for anything that would give me away and tell him I was going to cry again. I looked at the headstone again just as Chris spoke.

"How about we go into town and get something to eat?" he asked. I looked up at him and saw, as well as felt through the bond, his sudden need to make me feel better. I smiled hesitantly and nodded as he walked around the grave and stood next to me.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked him. He shrugged but held out his hands to help me up. I placed my hands in his and he pulled me to my feet.

"At home still. After I re-read your letter I guessed you might have come here, seeing as how you've been mentioning her a lot over the past week. And I know you've been thinking about her too. So I thought I would come and offer you some support" he explained and I smiled widely.

"Thank you. I appreciate it" I replied and he nodded.

I brushed the dirt and random leaves off my backside before leaning down to my mom's headstone.

"I will come and visit you again Mom. I love you" I said, before turning and following Chris' lead.

I was walking slightly behind him just as I felt my spirit jump. The earth rejoiced beneath my feet and air ruffled my hair. I felt warm and the smell of fresh seawater rose to my nostrils. Frowning I turned and looked behind me.

There standing no further than a metre away was my Mom.

"Mom?" I questioned and saw her smile. "-Mom!" I shouted in glee and ran over to her. She was exactly the way I remember her before she died. Her auburn hair glowing and billowing on the breeze. Her eyes sparkling as they usually did, shining as though we shared a secret no one knew about, which was true considering it was only her and my Dad who knew about my demonic half. I shiver whenever I think of him. She reached out to me and I echoed her movement wanting to hold her hand though I knew it wouldn't happen. I was shocked when her hand was solid against mine.

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