Chapter 21

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Groaning next to me woke me up from my dream of multi-coloured lollipops with horns that were dancing around on a frozen lake. As I opened my eyes I saw that it was Chris that had been groaning because Melinda and Amy had woken him up for school. I rubbed my eyes and the cold air made me gasp and put my hand back under the covers. Chris jolted as he heard me gasp and turned to look at me, making my head flop onto his chest as it had currently been on his shoulder. We both blushed as we realised the position we had ended up in.

Somehow during the night Chris had turned over and I was squished even more against him, with my arm over his chest and his hand twined with mine. My leg had also managed to droop itself over both of Chris' so that when he rolled over my leg travelled over the bottom half of his body. I cleared my throat and drew my leg back while moving to put my head on the pillow, but Chris didn't seem to mind. Typical boy.

"Hey how are you feeling?" he asked me, his breath blowing across my face as our faces were inches apart. I smiled at him.

"Better actually, but I'm not sure until I move out of bed. Are you okay?" he nodded at me before answering my question,

"I'm fine. Slept better than I thought I would" this statement made Melinda and Amy giggle. I turned to them and glared which had them running out of the room. Chris and I both laughed, before moving away but he kept his arm around my shoulders, even though I was positive that I was no longer cold anymore.

"Knock knock" came a voice outside the door and Piper walked in, followed by Wyatt who once again was grinning like a fool. Big shocker. I smiled at Piper as she entered.

"Well someone looks brighter" she said and at that moment I decided to stretch.

My muscles flexed and strangely enough I didn't have any cramps or aches for a change. That was unusual since in the past when I' used spirit in a new way before, I continued to have aches or cramps for a few days afterwards. Every time I used that new power, I continued having sides effects for a little while, but after exercising that power on about five different occasions the side effects had usually disappeared by then.

"Yeah I feel much better. I just don't know if I'll be able to drag my backside outta bed" I replied and earned smiles from my friends.

"Who said you have to?" Piper asked looking shocked. I frowned.

"But I'm better" I said.

"But nothing Lila, I'm not risking it. What happens if you have another side effect and I dunno catch on fire, since your side effects usually last for up to two days afterwards. How would we explain that? Nope you're staying at home and that's final" she said, and gave me another look that told me not to argue. I rolled my eyes and turned over.

This time I managed to roll so that my chest ended up on top of Chris.

"Woops. Sorry" I said. Wyatt burst out laughing, and I heard another male voice laughing as well. Looking up I saw that Leo had appeared in the door. I scowled at them and rolled off of Chris before chucking the blanket off me and standing up. I shivered at the cold morning air but ignored it and made my way over to my wardrobe before opening it.

"Lila?" Piper warned, she obviously knew that I was thinking about getting ready for school.

"Fine" I huffed and closed the doors before jumping back onto my bed.

"Lila!" Chris grumbled and I looked at him. He had thrown his arm over his eyes, and I'm assuming had decided to go back to sleep.

"Sorry Chris" I replied and turned to look at Piper, giving her my best puppy dog look.

"What do you want?" she asked smiling.

"Are you gonna be here today?" she shook her head and I pouted, before continuing.

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