Your name is Zindagi?|1

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Alarm rings. It's 7 AM and I have to reach my school before 7:45 AM when it takes 15 minutes for me to reach my school. Shit! I overslept. It's the first day of school after vacation. And I am late on my very first day. I am in 11th standard now as a humanities major. I scored good in my board exams but still I took humanities, that is what my neighbours and relatives keep telling me. I don't care though.

I can't keep talking to myself I am already late!

I got ready hurriedly and I practically ran from the house to the bus stop where the bus is also late today. Meri kismat (My luck ) I say to myself.

The bus finally came. I get on the bus hurriedly and I manage to reach my school till 7:44 AM. It was a close call today I would have been late for the day.

I am in the school council on the post of Executive secretary. So for that I have to come 15 minutes early for morning assembly formalities. I am a good student with a clean record actually except for one time when I pulled the hair of a girl and beat her up for some reason. I don't wanna talk about it though. Both the best and the worst day of my life. Haha!

I talk to myself a lot. I got a friend in me.

I reach to my classroom which is on the third floor. I am losing my breath because of loading a heavy backpack to the third floor. TIRING!

As I enter the classroom I see my friends Mishka and Utkarsh. Mishka is my new friend but Utkarsh is an old one. We met in 6th standard because of same class and from then we are very good friends. Although Mishka and Utkarsh don't really talk to each other because it is more of a one on one friendship with me.

"Zindagiiiiiiiii ! Come here." She calls me in excitement. I sit on the seat in front of her. We are chit chatting as we met after almost 1.5 months of the vacation so we are telling each other some stuff. We usually talk a lot as we both are really talkative. Haha!

There is a boy sitting beside Mishka who I dont know so probably a transfer student but late admission because never saw him before vacations. 

The teacher comes in and she doesn't introduces the new student. I wonder why. Haha! Sad. The teacher tells him to come a seat forward as it was empty THE SEAT BESIDE ME. He came and sat beside me. 


In hindi class, the teacher tells us to write the format of formal letter that she was telling orally. I start writing and he is peeking in my notebooks and asks me to show him because he writes literally so slow and missed what the teacher was saying. And beacause of him, I missed what the teacher was saying so now there is no point of writing so i gave my notebook to him for him to write what I wrote atleast. And then he randomly starts talking to me, not even asking my name and introduction stuff but back bicthing teaher like
"She isn't gonna like me for sure." He says.
"Oh! I replied."

"You look like a nerd you know that" He says probably because I wear glasses and I don't really not pay attention in class like I am doing now because of this boy who I don't even know the name of.

"YEAH! I KNOW" I say.

The teacher notices that we are talking and she says "Zindagi! What are you doing? Pay attention beta."

"Sorry mam." I say embarrasely

"Your name is Zindagi?" He says even though I just got warned by the teacher. "You got a unique name"

"I know, Right? Like me. I am too unique like my name."

"Well I will have to look into that one precisely and personally" and then he smirked.

"I am sorry, WHAT?" I exclaim.

And  the teacher again "Zindagi beta what is wrong with you. You never behave like this."

"I am so sorry mam actually he just... I was helping the new student.

"Fine but now no noise okay?"
"Sure mam sorry"
"You must be a great student that teacher is so polite with you." He says.

"SHUT UP NOW" I say in anger. He literally got me warned 2 times.

"OOPS" he says and we go quiet then obviously.....

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