Aftermaths of first kiss|18

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I am home. The whole night I couldn't sleep and the ride from station to school got awkward. I don't know what to do. I mean I love him but you know its my first time for everything romantic. 

And also there is just diwali party left because after that is exam season till farewell. I need to sought everything till then and goodness I cannot even skip school due to Diwali prepration. 

Why am I thinking about skipping school? I don't know. 


I am at school. I am no more the just booksmart Zindagi. In the past 72 hours, I got drunk, kissed a boy, cried over sex joke prank and had my actual first kiss with the first ever boy in my life on a train in the mid of Delhi and Jaipur.

Wowww Zindagiiiii

Just how a single boy, only in a few months, made me so crazy over him that my whole world is starting to revolve around him.

Is this what love is like?

I am walking to my class lost in my thoughts when someone softly holds my hand from behind. I turn yo only see Nishkarsh there.

"We are at school." I whispered to him.

"I don't care." He replies.

"This is my first time holding a guy's hand."

"So you kiss a boy first and hold his hand later? Bad girl." He said teasing me.

"Hawwww" I hit him at the back and he starts running.

Correct. This lovey - dovey doesn't suit us you know. More like teasing - fighting - laughing. Kind of our thing now. U^U

We sit together ofcourse. I just don't want anyone to know yet so we act normal. Everyone always ships us anyways. But he made it a lot easier whereas I was thinking it would become awkward. 


I am home. Guess these are the aftermaths of first kiss.

First time holding hands.

First boyfriend.

Gawwdddd boyfriend.

Constantly blushing and kicking my legs in air.

I try to sit and study because if I continue to think about him my heart will probably explode. Its better to do mind work today. I am checking my homework from today, although much studying is not happening due to fair when I find a sketchbook.

For context, I don't draw. Nishkarsh does. 

His sketch book.

I take it hurriedly. I always wanted to see what he constantly draws in there. He would be angru to know probably but I am his girlfriend you know. 

Girlfriend ahhh

I open it and flip the first page when I read something....

I was wrong..... He isn't what he seems...

He isn't.. I-

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