You can't be this close to me | 5

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Day after tomorrow is exam. Phewww! I am feeling so exhausted and I had to come to school to submit a fucking PPT. Now I am gonna waste my half day here. God I am so pissed. Urghh! Why do they make us do so many projects when we already got a lot of work to do. Extremely annoying.

"How come you are always angry?" Nishkarsh says.

"How come you are always irritating?" I reply.

"Not gonna mess with you today. You really are pissed I am scared."

"God you are scared?" I say laughingly.

"How come your mood changes so fast?"

"I don't know I am having my period. Its common."

"Oh! Are you hurting? Are you okay?"

"I am fine. Dont worry."

"I am not worrying I am just scared that you will throw a chair on me out of your anger and mood swings"

"God you try so hard to be funny, DONT YOU?"

"No no dont get it wrong I am serious. I am scared."

"Shut up, will you?" I say smiling.

After that I went back to studying obviously. He didn't studied, again obviously. He instead took out his sketchbook and started drawing.

"Goodness! You draw. I never knew it. Fascinating!"

"Yeah I do a lot of things."

"And you draw really good man. I mean they look so real."

"Well I am good at a lot of things."

"We will look into that one."

"Precisely and personally?"

"SHUT UP! will you?"

"NO I wont."

Ufff. I just shake my head and go back to studying. I don't have that much mind to argue to him. Not gonna lie but his flirting his cute sometimes. WAIT! What I just thought? NO NO Zindagiii you don't have time for all this. FOCUS!

I told you I got a friend in me.

I studied till lunch break so obviously I got exhausted. I over worked myself. But I have to work hard. I don't like loosing. Mishika came to me with her lunch box and utkarsh did too.

"Don't you think you are really getting along with the flirt, huh?" Mishika said chuckling a little.

"Its not like this. We barely talk." I said avenging myself.

"Well its seems for like you barely shut up." Utkarsh said giving me a side eye and smirk.

URGH! No use in talking to you guys. I shook my head and we all just giggled and talked a little about our life. We keep ourselves updated with each other. These two are real fun. I love them!


Its been half an hour since lunch. I am studying and Nishkarsh is sketching god knows what. He won't show me. Its music class now. I never actually took music class seriously. I am not really into music and all. I never held an instrument before and I don't sing. I am kind of boring person.  I don't really got any hobbies except for reading self help books.

The music teacher came and asked us to get in music class making a line. We got here and I just sit there in the corner and read my book for relaxing a little. 

The teacher yells my name ,  "Zindagiii"

"Yes mam?" I reply.

And she tells me to come to her and then she hands me a guitar. 

"Relax a little sweetheart. Play this and everything will feel blissful. Just trust me."

"But I never played a guitar. I don't even know how to hold it. I don't do music you know mam."

"Today you have too. Everyone is busy with their instruments, you should be too. Can anyone teach Zindagi to play the guitar?" She asked to the class

Nishkarsh raised his hand, "I can!"

"Perfect!" My teacher said, "Now go Zindagi. He will teach you."

I just go to him. I can't do anything. I will have to play this for a few minutes atleast. My teacher is stubborn.

"You know the guitar, Too?" I asked him.

"I told you I know a lot of things."

He made me sit on a chair and handed me the guitar then adjusted the guitar and my posture. And then he started explaining me about it.

"Hold this string from here and play it from this." He said explaining the process to me.

"Like this?"

"No your hands aren't correctly placed. Let me just.." And then he took my hand and adjusted my fingers on the guitar. The way he held my hand. It felt so safe. I mean he flirts a lot but this was something different. I never noticed but his voice is really soothing. "Now you are all good. Play it." He says. "Zindagi? Zindagi!"

"YESS yess what?" I gasped coming out of my thoughts.

"Play it."

"Oh yeah."

I played the single string and the moment I rushed my hand on the string and the sound that came from it and the feeling it gave me. It made me want to do it more. I played single strings again and again. I am feeling blissful. The teacher was surely right. And this is really addictive.

"Wow you are doing really good even for you first try."

"I know, right!"

And then I continue to play till the class is over. After that, the teacher asked me and Nishkarsh to adjust the guitars and other instruments back in their place. Everyone else went in the classroom and we were adjusting the instruments. I kept the last guitar in the shelf and then turned around and said "DONE!"

Nishkarsh suddenly came rushing towards me as soon I turned and kept his one hand on the shelf and he was really really close to me. I was looking him in his eyes and he was looking in mine. I have to look up to look him in the eyes. God he is much taller than me I just noticed. My heart was picking up speed. I could feel it in my throat. My hands are shaking.

"Hey you can't be this close to me." I say with an extreme shake in my voice that anyone could notice easily. GOODNESS! What is wrong with me.

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