Don't get the wrong idea | 6

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"Guitar!" He said. His voice calm and still.

"What?" I say. My voice is still shaky. 

"The guitar was about to fall on your head." He says taking a step back from me.

"Oh Yess! The guitar. Obviously, the guitar." There is nervousness in my voice.

"What did you thought, huh? That I was going to kiss you?" He said teasingly.

"WHAT? Are you crazy. God! You got a crazy imagination don't you?"

"Then why is your voice shaking?"

"I got startled okay. Don't get the wrong idea flirt."

"But I will."

"Do what you want!" I said and walked out of the classroom. As soon as I went out I took a deep breath. I realized I wasn't breathing in that position. I cannot do anything in this. I wasn't able too. My heart is about to come out of my ribcage I swear. GOD! What is happening to me.

"You are still here?" A voice from behind. It was Nishkarsh.

"Oh I was about to go."

"Orr you were waiting for me so we could walk together to class." He said leaning onto one side of the classroom gate folding his arms.

"I said do not get the wrong idea." I said and went towards the classroom. He also came behind me all laughing and all after teasing me.


I am home. Today was..... I do not know what. It was a normal day. Actually a good one because I studied a lot today. But why am I myself getting the wrong idea when I told him not to? Oh god I must have gone crazy after studying this much. I am overthinking. Today was nothing special it was just as exhausting as everyday. No comments on the situation after this. I cannot fall for a flirt. Actually I cannot fall for anyone. I don't have the time too. I already got a lot on my plate.

I am trying to forget about today or else it would not let me concentrate on my tasks. I went to academy and I didn't thought of it again. I have exam tomorrow. I am good at following my brain more than my heart. And I will follow my brain always.


My exam. It went wonderful. God I cannot explain in words how happy I am. It was a good start and I believe a good start means a better ending. 

Mishka came to me running as soon as I came out of the examination hall. We have different exam halls. Utkarsh also came with her. They both also were happy, their exam went good. Maybe we got a little lucky this time, the exam was more in simpler form. But I didn't saw Nishkarsh. Maybe he was on different floor than us.

"Goodness I am so happy" says Mishka.

"I know right, me too." I say matching the excitement level of hers.

"You are gonna top exams this time too for sure."

"Maybe, who knows."

"I do" she says and then we both chuckle. Utkarsh is also laughing at our stupid conversation.

"Where is your soon-to-be-boyfriend, huh?" Utkarsh says teasingly.

"Now you don't get started please." I say making an innocent face and they both laugh even harder. On my childishness obviously. Well I guess it would be a little quiet till exams. Which is a good thing obviously but its just..... you know I have just kind of.... developed a habit of him.

"A habit of who?" says Mishka

"Hey are you listening my thoughts?"

"You think very loud." And then both of them began their teasing again as always. Haha love them and also their... teasing of him <3

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