You feel safe | 9

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We danced a lot that I don't even know how much time passed.

It's 9:15 already and everyone is now going back home.

I call my dad to pick me up because it's too dark outside and already too late.
"Dad! Can you pick me up?"
"I was coming for that but there something important came at work and I have to stay back. I might come home tomorrow morning."
"Then how will I go home dad? It's too late and dark."
"Wait I will just call your mom and send the driver. Wait till then."
"Okay fine." I say and end the call

Almost everyone's gone. Mishka's dad came to pick her up and Utkarsh Also went with them because their home is the same route. I am all alone here constantly checking time.

"You don't want to go Home?" A voice from just behind like someone was saying it in my ear.
"Ah!" I gasped until I turned around and saw Nishkarsh.
"Areeee relax it's me." He said
"Oh god! You startled me."
He giggled at this.
"Don't you wanna go home?"
"I am waiting for the driver." I got a call right after saying that. "One second.
I picked up the call, "Yes dad?"
"The driver got into an accident this evening. He is in the hospital." My dad said from the other side of the call.
"What? What do we do now dad? The school is empty and the roads are also already almost empty. I can't walk to home alone."
"I know but I am not able to do anything I am stuck. Can you call a cab?"
Nishkarsh was listening the conversation from my side of phone.
He took the phone from me suddenly and started talking to my DAD.

"Hello sir" He said to my dad
"Who are you and what are you doing with my daughter young man?"
"I am Nishkarsh. Your daughter's friend. Do you mind if I drop her home?"
"It's an emergency So I can say yes. Thanks beta."

He end the call.
"What were doing huh?" I say
"Your dad says I can drop you home." He replied
"What? No I am not going with you on your bike."
"If you aren't comfortable with that we'll just walk to your home then."
He said and started walking.
"Wait!" I say grabbing his arm firmly.
"Then how will you go back to your home without bike?"
"I will find something. Don't worry. Dropping you safely is more important." He said with a soft tone in his voice. And the way he said that made me feel butterflies inside my stomach. He is not what he seems. He just knows to pretend well.

I will feel bad if I walked home and then left him to find his way.
"You know we'll just go on your bike. Let me tell you the address" I say.
"You are comfortable with that, right? We have to assure that."
God this boy literally knows what to say. Don't be such a gentleman. I will lose myself to you.
"Yeah I am fine."

He starts his bike and says, "Hop on."
I sit on his bike and he says this before starting the bike, "I won't hit the breaks speedily. I am not a bad guy."
I don't think next for a second after he says that but I just throw my hands on him from the back and hold him tightly and say, "Hmm I know."

The whole time I am holding him is i am just smiling and my eyes are closed. The blood is rushing in my cheeks making them maroon.

He stops at my house and I hop off the bike.
"Thanks for the ride."
"Needless but your cheeks are tomato red"
"That's probably because of cold wind." I say and I turn around and start going in my house.
"Hey you know what?" I say turning instantly. "You feel safe."
He smiles at this and goes.

I felt Butterflies and I am still blushing. But what I am thinking about the most right now is that he is not a flirt. He is just...silly? He never flirts with me now...

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