That's my girl | 10

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My dad is home. Its 7 AM. He asked me if I was mad that he didn't came to pick me up last night. I said no because I am fine. I am not mad and I wasn't mad last night too. Well actually, I am happy. I mean I got the chance of a late night bike ride. Why else would I be happy? 

I am having pancakes with maple syrup on top for breakfast. I actually love having breakfast. Bacon and pancakes and everything about breakfasts is tasty.

After I have it I head to school. The decoration from yesterday is still here. Looking at it now, it was so much more beautiful last night. Last night. Probably the best one I had in a while. Everything about it was beautiful. Like it happens in movies right? MAGICAL!

"Zindagiiiiiiiiiii" I hear someone yelling my name from behind. Its Mishka. She says again, "Zindagi" She is panting and is catching her breath. She came running god knows from where.

"What happened? Why are you in such a hurry?" I say all tensed because of her reaction.

"There is a problem"



"What happened to him?" I say all worried as I hear his name come from her mouth.

"He is in the middle of fighting that bastard Zaid. You have to come with me."

"What? Zaid and Nishkarsh? NO NO NO"

"Just come with me, will you?"

I go with her running to the classroom. Zaid is a total bastard. I don't want Nishkarsh to get in a fight with him. 

When I reach the classroom Nishkarsh is picking a chair. Probably to hit Zaid. I yell his name from behind him. "Nishkarsh! NO! STOP!"

He turns facing me. As soon as he sees me he drops the chair. His bottom lip is bleeding and there is a cut on his face. "Please don't stop me here. He crossed the line." He said pointing to Zaid who was on the floor but is now picking up a chair to hit Nishkarsh. I see him from behind Nishkarsh and my eyes widen as I lose my control. I ran towards him and kicked him yelling "HOW DARE YOU TRY TO TOUCH HIM?" I don't why I said it but it was too late by then to take it back. The amount of rage I was feeling at the moment.

He fell on the floor from my kick. I sat on the floor in front of him and caught him by his tie pulling him straight. "Lay you hands on him and you're dead." The words just came out of my mouth itself. 

I stand up and spin to face Nishkarsh. He is smiling to me and says, "That's my girl." 

I smile the widest listening to those words come from his mouth and I have never felt this much strong and cool in my entire life.

"Power couple" I listen someone yelling from the behind and now everyone is screaming power couple while me and Nishkarsh is smiling to each other just standing there. No one's attention catches towards Zaid who is just laying there on the floor all beaten up. Poor him ;)


We are in the infirmary. Me and Nishkarsh. I am cleaning up his wound. 

"Why did you do that?"
"Did what?"

"Beat him up"

"You did that too"

I laugh at this "Okay but I did that for you because he was trying to hurt you."

"Its the same for me too."

"What is the same?"

"Ahh. It stings. Do it slowly."

"Oh I am so sorry."

I don't know what same is he talking about but I am not going to ask him again. He won't answer I know the way he changed the subject.

"Lets get suspend together after the chaos we caused."

"I am fine with it." And then we both laugh.

"It stings."


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