You can't do this | 13

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"What happened? How did she got drunk?" I say as I see Zindagi in a condition I never expected her to be. She is stumbling and she can't stand straight which is why I am holding her tightly from her shoulders. 

"Its a long story. First and foremost, we need to hide her. No one must see her like this." her friend Mishka says.

"Zindagi! lets go inside." i say to her but she is just smiling weirdly and she is trying to run.

"Nishkarsh! Carry her."


"She won't go on her own. This is the last option. Just take her away from everyone's sight."

"If you tell her all this, she will end me."

"I won't and considering the amount she drank she is not gonna remember anything either. Just take her. I promise you."

I think for a second and let her go but she starts running so I got no choice but to carry her in my arms. Personally, I wanted this to happen but not like this. She isn't heavy. God what am I thinking right now. She will literally end me if she remembered that.

"What do I do now?" i ask from her friend.

"Take her in your room from now."

"My room? Then you come with me too who will take care of this light weight troublemaker?"

"You! I have to settle the chaos here. I will come later."

"Alone with this drunk woman? N-N-No! What if she did something to me? Will you take responsiblity?"

"Nishkarsh its not the  time for sarcasm."

"No I am serious. I do not trust her in this condition."

"Or you don't trust yourself?"

"I am taking her because you are saying and the rest I dont know because you are responsible for this and I have nothing to do with this." I said and started walking towards my room. The whole conversation Zindagi was hanging in my arms. 

I take her to the bedroom and drop her on my bed. The situation and the tension is real but I guess she is asleep. I start covering her with the blanket and she suddenly sits straight.

"You are awake?"

"You thought I was asleep?"

"Yes I mean your eyes were closed so I assumed."

"You know what I actually got someone on my mind. You were right."

"Who is it?"

"I am not going to tell you, you flirt." She said pointing a finger towards me. She looks cute. She looks different. "But do you like someone?"

"I guess you won't remember anything so I will just say it. You, its you?"

"Nice idea. I guess I won't remember so I will just do it."

"Do wha-"

And the next thing that happens is what I wanted to happen but again not like this. Her lips are pressed hard against mine. My face is cupped in her hands and her eyes are closed. She just kissed me. Actually, she is kissing me. I realize that she is drunk. i push her away from myself.

"Listen! You are not in your correct state of mind right now."

"I have never been so honest and daring in my entire life. With my right mind, I will never be able to do this."



She began coming towards me and this is when I hear a knock on the door for which I am grateful for. I cannot do this to her. I am not supposed to do this. i want to do it when she is stable and when I have her consent. 

Mishka comes in the room and the second Zindagi falls asleep. 

I will never tell anyone ever her that this happened. She is someone with a lot of pride. It will embarass her. It never happened. 

"She is asleep?"


"I cant sleep in this thing." Zindagi says mumbling.

"Bring her clothes from the room."

"I cant. There are some seniors there chilling with my room mates. I dont want this to spread."

"What do we do?"

"Give me your clothes. I will help her change."

"You Know you have something wrong up in that thing called brain."

"Just get them."

She is wearing my clothes. Zindagi! you seriously make it very hard for me. To resist myself. I carried you in my arms. Kissed you even if it was for 3 seconds and saw in my clothes.AND ALL THAT IN A TIME PERIOD OF 30 MINUTES. You drive me the craziest any girl has ever made.

The absolute bad boyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن