The Beginning

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Green eyes pierced through a holly bush, focused on a small group of children. They were giggling amongst themselves, unaware of the danger. Big, orange paws slowly crept out of the shelter of the bush; they were placed down carefully so as to not alert the children of their presence. Suddenly, the great creature leapt with an ear splitting roar and landed just inches from the children. The poor things shrieked in terror and whipped around towards their assailant.

"Christina!" They shouted in unison.

The big tiger let out a fanged grin. "Did I scare ya?"

The oldest of the group scoffed and crossed her arms. "You wish! Just wait until Miss Red-Tail hears what you did."

Christina gasped, "You wouldn't dare!"

The girl smirked, "You know she hates it when you scare us."

"She didn't scare me." A small boy pipes up. The whole group turned towards him.

"Bull!" Another boy shouted.

"Everything scares you, Finn." The older girl said.

Finn looked exasperated, "Not true!"

Christina let out a small chuff of laughter. "Okay, okay. I am sorry for what I did. It's getting late, let's head back before Miss Red-Tail is mad at all of us." She looked back to the girl, "Are we good, Sarah?"

Sarah narrowed her brown eyes at the giant feline before her. "Well I suppose.."

"Can we have a ride?" A small girl asked.

Christina lowered her head to the girl. "Of course, Lily." She nuzzled the girl's cheek and pulled a giggle out of her in the process.

Christina lowered herself to the ground and waited as Lily clambered up onto her back. Finn quickly hurried forward and hopped up behind her.

Sarah looked to her left, "Felix?"

The boy smiled sheepishly before climbing up behind Finn. Sarah moved up behind the lot once they were settled.

Christina glanced back, "Hold on tight!" She rose quickly and heard as the children released joyous giggles. Satisfied that they were ready, the great tiger leapt forward towards their home.

A sharp looking woman greeted them at the front of the house when they arrived, her arms crossed sternly over her chest. Her golden gaze narrowed on the feline that halted in front of her. "You are precisely 13 minutes and 5 seconds late."

Christina gave the woman a charming grin, "I'm afraid we got caught up admiring the beauty of the loop, Miss Red-Tail." She lowered herself to the ground and allowed the children to slide off.

Miss Red-Tail flushed slightly, "Yes, well, try to keep a tighter schedule next time, and don't think I didn't hear that roar of yours, missy."

Christina grimaced slightly, "I-It was only a small scare."

"We didn't even hear her coming!" Lily exclaimed, "She was super quiet!"

Miss Red-Tail quirked a brow at Christina, "Small, hmm?"

Christina shifted to her human form and pouted at the woman. "I'm sorry, Miss. I'll refrain from doing it next time."

Miss Red-Tail smiled slightly. "I do hope so, Miss Cullen. You are twenty-four years old and should be acting as such."

Christina blushed from embarrassment at that and quickly looked away. A small smirk replaced Miss Red-Tail's smile at the girl's reaction. "Now then!" She clapped her hands together. "Supper time." She ushered the children into the house. Christina heaved a sigh and followed the group inside.

After washing up, Christina met the others at the table. The only seat remaining being to the right of her headmistress. With a huff, she sank into the seat. Miss Red-Tail eyed Christina curiously, "Something on your mind, dear?"

Christina poked at her food with her fork. "Not really. Just a bit tired I suppose." She turned a small smile towards the ymbryne.

Miss Red-Tail returned the smile, "Alright, but-" She stopped suddenly at the sound of a shattering flower pot; her eyes going wide.

Christina rose quickly to her feet, a growl erupting in the back of her throat.

Miss Red-Tail rose as well, "You four, upstairs, now." She commanded the younger children quietly. The four rose quickly and hurried out of the room. She turned her gaze to Christina. "You as we-"

"Hell no!" She whisper shouted, interrupting the headmistress. "I can actually see the damn things."

Miss Red-Tail bit back her argument, "Language.." she whispered back instead.

Christina shifted quickly and moved towards the living room.

"Wait!" Miss Red-Tail hissed and hurriedly removed her crossbow from its perch nearby.

Christina didn't wait, though. She moved faster but froze once she caught a glimpse of the window. Something gray had just passed by it. "Hollow!" She hissed over her shoulder.

Miss Red-Tail paled and glanced around nervously as she hurried towards Christina. "You are certain?"

A crash and multiple screams upstairs had both tiger and ymbryne bolting up the stairs.

"Felix..!" Sarah's voice echoed down the long hall.

Christina ran faster and streaked into the room with the children, her eyes widening at the sight of a hollowgast ripping the eyes out of the poor boy. It hadn't even made its way completely in through the window before snatching him up.

A strangled cry sounded behind her as Miss Red-Tail finally caught up and saw what was happening.

Christina snarled and lunged at the hollow, knocking both it and her out of the window. She barely heard Miss Red-Tail scream out her name as she slammed into the ground and began wrestling with the disgusting creature. It tried to wrap its tentacles around her throat, but she quickly sliced them off with her claws. It let out a horrible screech of pain that reverberated painfully around Christina's skull. She gave her head a quick shake before latching onto the creature's throat and effectively ripping it out. Before she could register what was happening, she was being slammed backwards into the house by another hollowgast.

Another one?!

She let out a groan and quickly rose to her paws. Blood dripped down her face and forced her to close an eye.

Screams rose within the house. Christina turned her attention away from the hollow before her and looked up towards the window she came out of.

Miss Red-Tail's ragged form appeared in the window. Her face was covered in blood and her eyes were wide. "Run, Christina!" She dropped a feather down towards her in the process.

Christina caught it quickly, "But-!"

"Run!" She screamed as she got pulled away.

Christina turned and bolted, Miss Red-Tail's feather clamped tightly in her jaws. The hollow that had thrown her into the wall screeched and slashed out at her flank as she ran past. A hiss of pain escaped the tiger but she didn't stop. She kept running. She kept running even long after she'd escaped the loop.

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