I Love You, Too

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Christina still hadn't returned home. She was, stubbornly, hiding out in the woods. She watched the sky as Miss Peregrine was doing the daily reset. With a sigh, the girl laid her head back against the tree she was sitting in front of.

Why is this so hard for me?

She groaned and rubbed her face with both hands.


Christina had dozed off for a few hours after reset; she was awoken by the caw of a bird.

"Hnn..?" She cracked open her eyes and saw a falcon sitting in front of her, staring.

The falcon cawed again and nudged Christina's leg with its head.

Christina sat up straight and held her hands out to Miss Peregrine who hopped right up into them.

"How long have you been looking for me?"

Miss Peregrine made a noise similar to a growl and narrowed her eyes at Christina.

Christina gave an awkward chuckle. "I'm sorry. I..I got scared of my own feelings and ran away from you guys. That was wrong of me."

Miss Peregrine shook her head.

"Can you change back?"

She shook her head once more.

Christina then noticed how exhausted and ruffled the poor woman looked.

"I'm terrible.." she set Miss Peregrine back down and rose to her feet. "Just so you know, I'm about to break my promise."

Miss Peregrine cawed angrily at the girl and watched as she shifted into a tiger. The glare returned to her face.

Christina gave Miss Peregrine a charming, cattish grin. "Climb on." She lowered herself to the ground.

Miss Peregrine seemed to sigh before scrambling up onto Christina's back.

Christina rose and began to head back at a slow pace. "I'll try to make it up to you somehow."

Miss Peregrine pecked Christina's head.

"Ouch.." she flattened her ears. "Guess I deserved that."

The bird on her back made a sound akin to chuckling.

Once they made it back to the house, Christina lowered herself and allowed Miss Peregrine to hop down. The woman shook out her feathers before changing back.

"I appreciate the ride, but you could have just carried me in your arms."

Christina shifted, "I'm not that smart, y'know."

Miss Peregrine gave her a playful smack to the arm. "Let us head up to bed." She opened the door and went inside.

Christina gave a small smile and followed.
"I'm guessing I'm back in my own room now?"

Miss Peregrine hummed. "If that is what you wish." She closed the front door and locked it.

"Not really." She looked at Miss Peregrine who locked eyes with the girl.

Miss Peregrine looked away first with a blush. "You are always welcome in my bed, love." She headed to the stairs.

Christina grinned and tailed her.
"Oh, yeah?"

"Of course. However, if you are bleeding again.."

Christina grimaced, "Yeah, yeah.. I'm sorry."

The two women strolled into Miss Peregrine’s bedroom. Christina immediately made a beeline to the bathroom.

"If it is bleeding again, you will tell me, yes?"

"Of course I will." Christina flicked the light on and peeled back the waistband of her pants. The wound looked a little irritated but it wasn't bleeding.

"It looks fine, but maybe it needs some kind of ointment."

Miss Peregrine slid into the bathroom behind her. "I will put some on for you after we bathe."

"Oka- Wait, we?" She looked at the woman.

Miss Peregrine cleared her throat, "Well yes, you can bathe first and then I will." She leaned down and turned the water on to the tub.

Christina couldn't see her face, but if she had to guess, she'd say the woman was probably blushing like mad.

"I mean..it would probably save time if we did it together."

Miss Peregrine gave her a look, face slightly red.

Christina looked away. "Just saying.."

"Fine, but only if you help wash my back. It is rather difficult to reach."

Now it was Christina's turn to blush. She hadn't expected the other woman to agree. She looked back at Miss Peregrine with a smirk on her face.


Miss Peregrine gave her a small smile before turning back towards the tub. "I do like my water a bit..hot. I do hope you do not mind."

"I don't mind at all." Christina pulled her shirt off and tossed it aside.

Miss Peregrine’s face reddened again when she heard the fabric hit the floor.

Christina watched as Miss Peregrine rose and removed her jacket.

"Do you need help with your dress?"

"Please?" She folded her jacket neatly and set it down.

Christina walked over to the woman and helped with the zipper on the back of her dress.

"Thank you." She slid the dress off her arms and then dropped it.

Christina backed away a little. "N-No problem." Christina's blush deepened at the sight of the woman's bare back.

Miss Peregrine glanced back at Christina before giving the girl a playful smirk.
"Like what you see?"

"Hell yes." Christina didn't even hesitate before answering.

Miss Peregrine chuckled and gave a small shake of her head. The woman removed her underwear slowly, knowing full well that Christina's eyes were glued to her.

Oh, God damn.. She's teasing me on purpose.

Christina quickly looked away and continued removing her own clothing. She heard Miss Peregrine climb into the tub and let out a small sigh. Christina glanced at her to see her sitting with her eyes closed, head leant back slightly.

After she removed the last of her clothing, she walked over and climbed into the tub. She sat across from the woman.

"Really hot.." she whispered.

Miss Peregrine opened her eyes and looked at Christina who gave her a sheepish smile. She returned the smile.

"I could have made it hotter."

"Mm..I doubt that." The girl smirked.

Miss Peregrine chuckled and splashed some water at the girl who let out a surprised squeak.

"Hey.." she poked the woman's leg. "Not funny."

"Oh, but it was." Miss Peregrine sat up straight. "It got you to make a really cute sound."

Christina grumbled and looked away, "Not cute.."

Miss Peregrine reached out and put a hand on the girl's cheek, turning her face back towards her own. "Everything you do is cute."

Christina stared into Miss Peregrine’s eyes.

I have to say it..

"Alma, I.." she put her hand on top of the one on her cheek. "I love you."

Miss Peregrine’s eyes widened slightly before she broke out into a grin.

"I love you, too, Christina." She pulled the blushing mess of a girl into a kiss.

A/N: Yay? Hope you guys like it! 💙💚

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