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When Christina finally made her way downstairs, she found that everyone was gathered in front of the front door. Well, almost everyone. Upon closer inspection, she saw that Enoch and Jake were missing.

Miss Peregrine greeted her as she walked over. "Hello, dear. You look lovely." She tried for a smile but she seemed angry. Before she could question it, Miss Peregrine’s eyes snapped to the top of the stairs.

"Ah, Jake. There you are. Is Enoch with you? It is time for our daily walk."

Throughout the walk, Christina kept casting glances at Miss Peregrine when she thought the older woman wasn't looking.

"Everything alright, dear?" The two women were at the back of the group, but she still spoke quietly.

Christina tensed slightly and stared ahead.
"Of course. Why?"

Miss Peregrine turned her head to the girl. "Do not think I did not notice those looks. What is on your mind?"

Christina sighed, "You just seemed mad or something earlier. Was just trying to see if you still were."

Miss Peregrine hummed and returned her gaze to her charges, watching as Emma and Jake slipped away from the group.
"I suppose I am just under a little stress. I will be fine."

Christina watched the two as they headed down to the beach. "Is it my fault?" She looked back at Miss Peregrine.

Miss Peregrine quickly shook her head.
"Not at all. Just..between Jake and Miss Avocet.."


"Miss Avocet. She was my teacher back at the academy. She arrived injured this morning, and I have been trying my best to care for her. Her loop was raided by wights and hollowgasts."

Christina's eyes widened sympathetically.
"I..I'm sorry to hear that. Where is she now?" Christina seemed to be scanning the nearby trees and the sky.

"She is resting at home."

"Oh." She looked back at Miss Peregrine. "What about Jake? What did he do?"

Miss Peregrine’s face changed to look slightly annoyed. "He read letters of mine that were private."

"How rude!" Christina crossed her arms. "I'll give him a piece of my mind."

Miss Peregrine chuckled and looked at the girl. "By the way, how old are you, dear?"

Christina hummed and glanced at the woman. "Twenty-four. Why?"

"Just curious." Her gaze snapped forward. "Millard, watch your tongue!"

"Sorry, Miss Peregrine!"

Christina tensed as Enoch slowed to walk beside her. "So, what is your peculiarity?" He sounded bored, as per usual.

"Mr. O'Connor.."

"It's okay, Miss Peregrine. I can turn into a tiger. No big deal."

Enoch's head whipped towards the girl.
"No big deal?? Can we see?" He cleared his throat. "Only if you want to show us, of course."

The rest of the children stopped and looked back at Christina.

"I.." she stopped as well and eyed Miss Peregrine, "Is that alright?"

Miss Peregrine glanced around at the pleading children. "Well I suppose.. Just be careful. I do not want you to rip your wound back open."

Christina smiled, "I'll try my best." She backed away from the group and closed her eyes. Human shifted to tiger in one fluid motion, causing several of the children to gasp.

Christina opened her eyes and looked around at everyone. Nobody moved.
"I don't bite." She gave them a grin.

Suddenly all of the children swarmed around her, asking multiple questions at once.

"Did it hurt?"

"Can you turn into something else?"

"Why are you so big??"

Christina backed away some. "Uh.."

"Children!" Miss Peregrine cut in and they all quickly silenced and backed away.

Christina cleared her throat, "No, it doesn't hurt. At least not anymore. Maybe the first few times.. I can only be a tiger. I dunno why. And, as for the size.." she laughed, "I have no idea. But it comes in handy. At my old loop, I used to give all the children rides."

"I want a ride!" Hugh called.

"Me too!" Fiona added.

Christina looked at Miss Peregrine who seemed to be deep in thought. She gave Christina a stern look. "Were there ever any incidents?"

Christina looked offended, "Of course not."

Miss Peregrine nodded, "Then I suppose it is alright."

Christina nodded and lowered herself to the ground. Hugh scrambled up onto her back, quickly followed by Fiona.

Christina rose slowly and gave Miss Peregrine a look. The woman seemed nervous.

"They'll be fine."

She nodded and at that Christina started forward, not exactly running but not walking either. The children on her back started giggling like crazy.

When she returned, they hopped down. Not even waiting for her to lower herself.

"That was awesome!" Hugh exclaimed.

"You should ride her next, Miss Peregrine!" Fiona said excitedly.

Christina gave the woman a smirk. "Yes. Ride me, Miss Peregrine."

Miss Peregrine tried her best to hold back the blush that crept up her cheeks. "I..maybe another time."

"Oh, come on." Enoch nudged her towards Christina.

"Fine.." she watched as Christina lowered herself to the ground before sighing and climbing on.

Christina rose and looked back at the woman, she looked nervous. "Ready?"


Christina lunged forward, causing Miss Peregrine to gasp and wrap her arms around the tiger's neck. Said tiger let out a chuff of laughter. "You good?"

"Of course I am. You just startled me."

"My apologies, pretty bird."

Miss Peregrine was glad Christina couldn't see her face, because she was fairly certain it looked like a tomato right now.

Two can play at that game.. Miss Peregrine thought to herself.

"Can you go any faster, kitten?"

Christina's eyes widened slightly at the pet name, "O-Of course I can!" She picked up her pace instantly and made the woman laugh.

Christina finally made her way back to the children and allowed the headmistress to slide off her back. Emma and Jake had rejoined them and were giving Christina curious looks.

"Is that..Christina?" Emma asked.

"Oh, yes, isn't she wonderful?" Claire giggled as Christina leaned down and nuzzled her cheek.

Emma moved towards the giant feline and ran her fingers through her fur. "So soft.."

Miss Peregrine clapped her hands together once. "Alright. It is time to head back."

A few of the children groaned but eventually everyone was heading back to the house.

"Care to explain where you two went?" Miss Peregrine asked Emma quietly.

Emma glanced nervously at her headmistress. "We..went to my secret hideout. Jake identified Mr. Barron as the man he saw at his grandfather's house."

Miss Peregrine tensed up at the mention of the wight. "I see.." was all she said.

Jake moved to Miss Peregrine’s side. "You need to tell me everything. I deserve to know."

Miss Peregrine nodded, "Of course, Jake. I will tell you what I know once we are back."

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