Bad Ideas

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Christina was leaned up against the doorframe of the room that Miss Peregrine was currently occupying with Emma and Jake. Miss Peregrine was showing Jake some pictures of wights and was explaining the experiment they had done on an ymbryne.

Miss Peregrine had told her to return to her room, but she had declined and said she felt fine. Which of course was a lie, she had indeed ripped her wound back open, but she didn't want the other woman to know that.

There's enough stress as it is. I don't need to add more.

Olive appeared behind Christina and peeked in at the group over her shoulder.

"Christina?" She whispered.

"Yeah?" She turned to the girl.

"Um.." she pointed down to the bloody spot on the white shirt Miss Peregrine had lent her. Apparently it had bled all the way through her pants.

Christina looked down and nearly gasped, "Shit!" She covered it and hurried away, but not before Miss Peregrine yelled a "Miss Cullen!" at her for the use of foul language.

Olive gave Miss Peregrine an apologetic smile before following the girl.

Christina hurried up the stairs to the guest bathroom.

"I can help." Olive called behind her.

"I'll never get this stain out.." Christina muttered to herself as she turned on the sink.

Olive grabbed a washcloth and brought it over to her. Christina took it gratefully and held it under the water.

"She's going to kill me."

Olive chuckled, "For ruining her shirt or for reopening your wound?"

Christina groaned, "I'm dead for sure." She lifted the shirt and lowered her pants some to look at the bandages; they were completely soaked.

"Here, let me." Olive moved closer and started unwrapping her wound.

"Thank you, Olive. Maybe I can get it cleaned before she notices."

"It's rather hard to hide things from Miss Peregrine. She also hates it when you lie."

Christina sighed, "I'll figure something out." She started wiping away the blood once Olive removed the bandages.

"Damn hollowgast.."

As she was rinsing the blood out of the washcloth, an idea came to her mind. "Hey, use your hand on my wound!"

Olive's eyes widened, "Excuse me?"

Christina looked at her, eagerness covering her face. "You'll cauterize it, don't you see??"

"I.. I don't want to hurt you."

Christina shook her head, "Please? I can take it. I promise."

Olive sighed, "If you're sure.." she removed one of her gloves and stared at Christina's wound. "Ready?"

"Just do- Ahh!" She slapped a hand over her mouth as Olive put her hand to her skin. It was removed as quickly as it was placed.

"You said you could handle it!" She stared at her, horrified.

Christina gripped the counter tightly with her other hand. "I-I thought-"

"What is happening up here??" Miss Peregrine had appeared and was quickly making her way to the bathroom.

"Christina?" She stopped at the door and stared at the two girls. Her gaze landed on Olive's bare hand and then Christina's wound.

Olive looked completely terrified, but before Miss Peregrine could say anything, Christina spun around and looked at her. "I asked her to do it! Please don't be mad at her!"

"Olive, out, now."

Olive gloved her hand and hurried away.

Miss Peregrine met Christina's gaze. "Why did you not tell me?" She looked..hurt?

Christina had to look away from her sad gaze.

"I..I didn't want to upset you. There's already so much going on and-"

She was cut off by a pair of arms wrapping around her neck. "Miss..Peregrine?"

"Call me, Alma, dear. When the children are not around."

Christina blushed a bit, "Alma.."

The woman pulled back and looked at her, a small smile playing at her lips. "I am upset about the shirt, but that is replaceable. You, however, are not." She looked down at the girl's wound and tutted her tongue. "You both sure have made a mess of this."

"Sorry.." Christina mumbled.

"Go wait in your room. I will bring new bandages and help you get cleaned up."
Christina nodded and left the bathroom.

I'm such a nuisance..

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