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Miss Peregrine entered the kitchen after putting all the children to bed. Christina was still in there, seeming to be deep in thought.

"Are you alright, love?" The ymbryne strolled over to Christina and took the empty mug from her.

"Mm.. I suppose."

Miss Peregrine began washing the mug. "I gave your bed to Miss Avocet. She will leave after breakfast tomorrow."

Christina looked at Miss Peregrine in confusion. "Where will I sleep?"

"With me, of course. If you do not mind?" She rinsed the mug and then dried it.

"Oh, uh..I mean, of course not. That's completely fine." She rubbed her neck nervously and looked anywhere but at the woman next to her.

Miss Peregrine placed the mug back in the cupboard before looking at the girl. "Tell me what is really bothering you."

"What do you mean?"

Miss Peregrine moved to stand in front of the girl and grabbed her chin lightly, turning her head so that she could see into her eyes. "You know exactly what I mean. You are upset about something."

Christina couldn't help the small blush that instantly covered her face. "I.." She bit her lip, causing the ymbryne to lower her gaze. "I just..have feelings I'm trying to work out. I kinda have a fight or flight response going around in my head right now."

Miss Peregrine returned her eyes to Christina's. "Feelings? Is there anything I can do to help?"

God yes..

"Um..I don't know. Maybe, maybe not."

Miss Peregrine hummed and released the girl. "Well, I will be here when you are ready to tell me. Let us head up to bed for now." She held her hand out to Christina.

Christina smiled sheepishly before taking the woman's hand. Miss Peregrine smiled and led the girl out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

"Do you mind if I take a bath?" Christina asked quietly. "I feel so gross."

"Not at all. I will get it ready for you." Miss Peregrine led the girl into her room and closed the door. "This way." She walked into the bathroom, Christina close behind.

Christina leaned against the doorframe of the bathroom and watched as Miss Peregrine leant down and turned the water on. She lowered her gaze to the woman's legs.

Damn, she has nice legs..

She quickly looked away when Miss Peregrine stood back up. "I will help with your bandages." She looked over at the girl.

Christina shook her head. "I can manage. It does hurt like hell though."

Miss Peregrine narrowed her eyes at the girl as she walked over. Christina met her gaze. "What..?"


Christina couldn't help but laugh. She quickly slapped a hand over her mouth to try and surprise the giggles.

Miss Peregrine smiled a little. "Think that is amusing, do you?"

"N-No, of course *snicker* not."

Miss Peregrine laughed quietly and shook her head. "I will forgive you this once."

"Oh, Alma!" Christina put her hands on the ymbryne's cheeks. "You're so sweet!"

Miss Peregrine smirked at the girl. "And do not forget it. Now undress."

Christina huffed and stepped away from her. With her back facing the woman, she pulled off her shirt.

Miss Peregrine’s gaze slid across the various scars on the girl's back. "If I may..how did you get those scars?"

Christina hummed and laid her shirt on the counter. "Werewolves." She looked over her shoulder at the woman. "My sister fell in love with one and the pack didn't accept it."

Miss Peregrine’s eyes widened. "Was this..before you met Miss Red-Tail?"

Christina looked away and removed her bra.
"Yeah. Miss Red-Tail found me, unconscious after the fight, and took me in. My sister and her lover didn't make it."

Miss Peregrine frowned, "I am so sorry, my dear."

Christina shrugged before removing her pants. Her gaze landed on her bloody bandages. "Hey, it's not as bad as last time!" She smiled.

"Let me see." Miss Peregrine moved over to the girl, who quickly covered her upper half.

"It is less bloody." She sighed, "You need to stop shifting for a little while so that it can heal."

"Maybe.." Christina mumbled.

Miss Peregrine raised a brow at the girl before she began unwrapping the wound.

After Christina finished bathing, she let out the water and climbed out of the tub. "Much better.." She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself.

"Alma?" She called.

"Yes, dear?"

"Do you have some pajamas I can borrow?"

"Of course. I have them out for you already."

Christina opened the door and peeked out at the ymbryne; she was laying in her bed with a book in hand. She looked up at Christina as the girl walked into the room.

"Feel better?"

"Much." She picked up the navy nightgown that Miss Peregrine had laid out and then hurried back into the bathroom. Miss Peregrine smiled at her antics.

She is rather cute when she wants to be.

Her eyes widened slightly at the thought before she shook her head and looked back at her book.

Christina returned after drying her hair and pulling on the nightgown.

"Can we leave my wound unwrapped for the night so it can breathe?" She sat down on the other side of the bed.

"I suppose that would be alright." She shot a glance at the girl. "If you promise not to shift for forty-eight hours."

Christina huffed, "Fine.." she laid down and stared at Miss Peregrine.

The woman closed her book and set it on the nightstand. "Sleep well, love." She turned the lamp off.

Christina yawned and closed her eyes. "You too, Alma."

Miss Peregrine placed a kiss on the girl's head before laying down to sleep.

The Tiger and the FalconTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang