Bad Placement

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Christina left Miss Peregrine’s bedroom and almost immediately ran into Emma.

"Emma!" She exclaimed. "You scared me half to death."

The girl gave a sheepish smile. "My apologies. Olive told me something last night." She glanced around to see if anyone was nearby.

"That's not suspicious at all."

Emma looked back at Christina, face serious.
"Do you love Miss Peregrine?"

Christina's eyes widened. "I-"

"Olive said you talked to Enoch about it."

"He just..figured it out."

Emma's face lit up. "So you do love her?"

Christina hissed quietly. "Lower your voice.."

Emma crossed her arms.

Christina sighed, "Yes, I love Miss Peregrine."

"Have you told her?"

"No, and I don't think I ever will."

Emma gasped, "What?? But why?"

Christina looked away. "Everyone I love always dies.."

Emma frowned, "What's the point of surviving if you're not living, Christina? Bad things happen that you can't control. Please at least consider it." The girl turned and went back to her room.

Christina watched her go before sighing once again and going down the stairs.

Christina found Miss Peregrine in the kitchen with Miss Avocet. The older ymbryne was helping with breakfast.

"Oh, Christina, there you are. Miss Avocet is helping with the food. Would you mind setting the table?" Miss Peregrine flashed a grin in Christina's direction.

"Yeah, of course." She gave a small smile and set to work with her given task.

Miss Avocet ruins everything..

As Christina was setting utensils down in each spot, Miss Peregrine came up behind her to examine her work. Christina glanced back at the woman.

"You have the placement a little off, dear." Miss Peregrine set one hand on Christina's waist and reached around her with the other to fix the set up.

Christina's face flared up instantly.
"I-I'm sorry." She stuttered.

Her presence is so..electrifying.

Miss Peregrine turned her head and looked at the girl. "Your face is all red. Do you feel alright?" She put her hand to the girl's forehead.

"I..y-yes." She attempted to back away but just ended up brushing up against Miss Peregrine.

Said ymbryne smirked and leaned close to Christina's ear. "You are quite skittish today, Kitten." She whispered.

Christina closed her eyes and tried to suppress a shiver. "I-It's your fault.."

"My fault? Why, I do not think I have done anything wrong."

Christina reopened her eyes and turned around towards the ymbryne. A playful glare appeared on her face. "You've been a great, big tease."

Miss Peregrine gasped and feigned hurt.
"Me? I would never."

Christina chuckled and kissed Miss Peregrine’s cheek before moving away.
"I better fix all the placements I messed up before you punish me."

A small blush had appeared on Miss Peregrine’s cheeks. "I just might anyway.." she whispered before going back to the kitchen.

Christina heard a creaking sound from the door that connects to the living room and snapped her head towards it.

With narrowed eyes, she went over to the door and pushed it open. Right into Enoch who let out a grunt.

"Bro! Were you..spying?" She glared at the boy.

Enoch crossed his arms and gave her a bored look. "So what if I was? Also, I'm not your 'bro'."

Christina rolled her eyes. "It's just a saying from my time. Now tell me why you told Olive. She told Emma!"

Enoch smirked, "Well you need help. You suck when it comes to feelings."

Christina gasped, "I do not!"

"You do so. I saw you struggling in there."

Christina let out a low, tiger growl.

Enoch's eyes widened and he backed away with his hands up in surrender. "We just care about you two and want to help, okay?"

Christina raised a brow at the boy, but before she could respond, Miss Peregrine walked up behind her.

"Breakfast is ready. Enoch, will you help me wake the others?"

The boy looked relieved, "Of course, Miss Peregrine." He turned and scurried away.

Miss Peregrine gave Christina a questioning look. "Is everything alright? I heard you growl. If he did something-"

"No." Christina shook her head, "I'm just stubborn and he was trying to help."

"I cannot argue with that.."

"Hey!" Christina gave the woman a light shove who laughed in turn.

"Go wait at the table, love. I need to help wake the children."

Christina gave a small smile before going to sit at the dining room table.

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