The Meeting

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It was dawn by the time Christina stopped running. She heaved heavily and made her way down a dock. She could hear people in the distance and needed to hide before she was spotted. She climbed her way onto a boat and ducked underneath a tarp. Exhausted, she collapsed and instantly fell asleep.

Christina awoke with a start to the sound of the boat's horn. She peeked out from beneath the tarp and saw that it was still dawn.

I must've slept through the whole day..

Her gaze landed on a teen that was sitting with who she assumed was his father.

"Maybe..Maybe that's really her!" He exclaimed, "Hey, Miss Peregrine! It's me, Jake! I'm Abe Portman's grandson! Please don't crap on us!"

Christina's eyes widened.

Miss Peregrine?! I know that name..

Christina waited until nightfall before she finally slipped off the boat. She was hungry and cold, but she had to secure safety for herself first. She glanced around the beach nervously before a bird cry caught her attention. Her head snapped towards a tree and caught sight of a bird sitting in it; watching her.

Christina moved slowly towards the tree.

A falcon..?

"Um..hello?" She whispered around the feather that was still clamped in her jaws. The falcon cooked its head at her before flying down to meet her. It landed gracefully at the tiger's paws and stared up at her.

"Are you an ymbryne, by chance?" Christina asked before setting her feather down beside the falcon.

The falcon chirped quietly before eyeing the feather. In a flash, the feather was scooped up and the falcon was in the air again.

"Hey!" Christina yowled quietly, "Give that back..!"

The falcon turned and flew off into the forest; Christina quickly gave chase. She followed the bird all the way to a cave and watched as it disappeared inside. Christina stopped and sniffed at it curiously. It seemed to be drawing her in.

A loop?

She twitched her whiskers nervously before slowly padding into the cave. As soon as she did, she felt the familiar pop that loops give off when you enter them.

I knew it!

When she exited the cave, she noticed it was now daytime. That wasn't the only thing she noticed, however. Standing in front of her was a beautiful woman looking to be in her early thirties. She had a piercing, blue gaze, and beautiful navy hair that seemed to shimmer in the sunlight.

"You are injured." She stated with a glance to her flank.

Christina looked back at the gash that the hollow had given her. Blood had crusted up around the nasty wound.
"Hollowgast." She stated simply before returning her gaze to the woman in front of her.

Her eyes widened and her face seemed to pale. "Does that mean..?" She looked at the feather she was holding.

Christina lowered her head and closed her eyes. A sigh escaped the exhausted feline. "Yes.. My headmistress, Miss Red-Tail, and the children.." she started to shake.

Arms quickly appeared around Christina's neck. She opened her eyes, startled. The woman had her in a hug.

"I am terribly sorry for your losses, my dear. Miss Red-Tail was a wonderful woman. She will be greatly missed."

Christina laid her head on the woman's back. "You knew her?"

The woman let out a soft yet sad sounding chuckle. "She was like a sister to me.." she pulled back and quickly wiped away a stray tear. "Now then, I do believe introductions are in order."

Christina nodded and quickly shifted to her human form, grunting in the process from shifting her wound. The woman frowned slightly before holding her hand out to Christina.

"Alma LeFay Peregrine, delighted to meet you."

Christina smiled sheepishly at her before taking her hand. "Christina Cullen. I do hope I won't be a nuisance."

Miss Peregrine tutted her tongue, "You could never be a nuisance, my dear. Come now, let us get you fixed up." She turned on her heel and headed off towards the house.

Christina followed slowly behind her, her exhaustion slowly getting the best of her. "I..I think I'm going to.." Her vision started going blurry.

Miss Peregrine was back at her side in an instant. "It is alright, dear. We shall take it slow." She wrapped one arm around Christina's waist and pulled her arm over her shoulder. Christina leaned heavily into her before slipping out of consciousness.

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