The Children

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Miss Peregrine was very true to her word. Exactly five minutes after she'd taken Christina's empty dishes away, she heard a small stampede of children in the hall.

Miss Peregrine smiled as she strolled past the lined up children, one hand placed in her jacket pocket. "Now, children, we all know the rules. Do not pester her with questions, and do not pester her for her peculiarity. Introduce yourselves, and, if you wish, show off your peculiarity, but do be quick about it." She whirled around to face them. "Am I understood?"

"Yes, Miss Peregrine." They answered together.

"Good. Now then." She held her hand out to Claire who took her hand gratefully. They both walked into the bedroom to see Christina.

Christina had covered her exposed legs with the blanket so the children couldn't see her bandaged wound.

Miss Peregrine wouldn't appreciate me showing off my skin to the others anyways.

Her head snapped up as Miss Peregrine entered with Claire. The little girl smiled sheepishly at Christina.

"Well, hi there!" Christina smiled, "And who might you be?"

"Um..Claire." she hid behind Miss Peregrine's leg and peeked out at her.

Christina chuckled at that. "My name is Christina, it's a pleasure to meet you."

The little girl nodded before looking up at Miss Peregrine.

"She is quite shy, but I am very happy that she spoke with you." Miss Peregrine leaned down and picked the girl up. "I will send in the next."

Christina was mentally exhausted after meeting all the children. They were all very eager to show off their peculiarities. Aside from the twins and Claire.

The girl sighed and laid back on the bed. She didn't even look up when Miss Peregrine re-entered the room. The woman raised her brow before moving around the bed and looking down at Christina.

"Are you alright?"

Christina smiled up at the woman. "Yeah, just exhausted."

"I see, that is too bad.. I was going to see if you wanted to try and go on the daily walk with us."

Christina's eyes widened and she quickly sat up. "I do!"

Miss Peregrine chuckled, "Alright, but only if you follow my rules."

Christina smiled happily. "I will. I promise."

Miss Peregrine nodded. "You will need some clothes first. I cannot have you going out as you are."

"Aww, is just a shirt not enough?"

"Absolutely not." A slight blush appeared on the headmistress' cheeks. "But I can get you a dress or a skirt to wear."

Christina grimaced, "Yeah, I don't really do girly clothes."

"I see.. I will go and see what I have."

Christina watched her leave the room.

Great, she probably thinks I'm weird now..

She sighed and stared down at the floor.

Emma poked her head into the room. "Christina?"

Christina looked up at Emma. "Yeah?"

"Jake has just returned. Would you like to meet him?"

"Uh, sure?"

Is this the same guy Enoch was talking about?

Emma smiled before ushering a teen boy into the room. He looked at her nervously.
"Um, my name's Jake. I'm..normal."

Christina's eyes lit up at the mention of his name. "I saw you on the ferry! You were yelling at Miss Peregrine."

Jake's face paled, "I..don't remember seeing you?"

"Oh, " Christina waved her hand dismissively. "I was hiding. But it's thanks to you that I found Miss Peregrine."

Jake nodded. "I wasn't yelling at Miss Peregrine intentionally.. I just.."

Christina laughed. "It's fine, Jake, and you are not normal. You literally wouldn't be here if you were."

"I have been trying to tell him that." Emma added.

Jake shook his head and furrowed his brows in thought.

Miss Peregrine reappeared and looked between Emma and Jake.

"Hello, Jake, welcome back." She smiled. "We are about to go on our daily walk, will you be joining us?"

"Um, yeah, sure." Jake turned to Emma who smiled at him before leading him away.

Miss Peregrine moved her gaze to Christina. "I have laid the clothes on my bed. Come."

Christina nodded and climbed off the bed, bringing the blanket with her to keep herself covered.

Miss Peregrine watched her closely as she made her way to the door. "Does it hurt?"

"Mm..only a little, but it's bearable."

Miss Peregrine nodded, "Let me know if it does start to bother you." She turned and headed to her own room.

Yeah, I'm too stubborn for that. Sorry, Miss P.

Miss Peregrine led Christina into her bedroom and closed the door behind them. Christina looked around in awe. It was better than she imagined it to be.

Not that I'm thinking about her bedroom. Definitely not me..

She followed the headmistress over to the bed and looked at the clothing she'd laid out. The shirt was a white button up, and the pants were black and baggy looking.

"I do hope they are not too girly for you."

Christina turned and smiled at the woman.
"They're fine. Thank you."

Miss Peregrine returned the smile. "I will leave you to it, then. Meet us downstairs once you are ready."

Christina watched Miss Peregrine leave before she started changing.

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