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"Miss Peregrine!" Olive poked her head into Christina's room and looked at her headmistress. "Come quickly, Miss Avocet is awake."

Miss Peregrine rose swiftly, "Stay here, Christina." She hurried out of the room after Olive.

Christina sighed and stared at her newly bandaged leg. "Bed ridden again.." she pulled the blanket up over herself and stared at the ceiling.

After ten minutes, Miss Peregrine hurried back into the room.

"We have to leave. We suspect hollows are already here looking for my loop."

Christina sat up and stared at her. "What? But..we're leaving right now?"

"We leave on the first ferry off the island tomorrow."

Christina nodded slowly, "I see.. Let me stay behind, then. I'll distract them so you guys can get away."

"Absolutely not! You are coming with."

"I'll only slow you guys down. I can kill at least one and-"

"I said no and that is final." Miss Peregrine leaned down and put a hand on the girl's cheek. "I will never allow anything bad to happen to you."

Christina grumbled. "I'm not a kid.." A blush crept up her cheeks.

"Perhaps not, but you are still important to us." She added quickly. A small blush appeared on her as well. "Please have faith in me." Miss Peregrine leaned forward and placed a small kiss on the girl's head.

"Okay, but if any of them hurt you guys, I'll rip their heads off."

Miss Peregrine chuckled at that. "Try and get some rest, dear. I will wake you when it is time."

"But I'm not sleepy!"

Miss Peregrine raised a brow at her. "Were you not saying you were exhausted before the walk?"

Christina chuckled nervously. "Maybe?"

Miss Peregrine shook her head, "Get some sleep. Please."

Christina pouted slightly, "Okay, Alma. For you." A small smirk appeared on her face.

Miss Peregrine grinned before placing a kiss on the tip of her nose. "Call if you need me." She rose and headed to the door.

Christina watched her leave before laying back down.

If the hollows invade this loop too, I will give my life for them. I can't live with more deaths on my hands.

Before Christina could even fall asleep, she heard a strange man's voice come from downstairs.

"Children! Would you make your way down the stairs, please?"

Christina bolted up and out of the bed. She got a bad feeling from that voice. She quickly threw on some pants and snuck out into the hall.

"I give the orders in this house, Mr. Barron." Miss Peregrine's voice floated up the stairs.

Christina froze and her eyes widened.

Barron?! The leader of the wights and hollows? Oh, this is so not good.

She turned and hurried back into her room.
I'll sneak out through the window.

Christina moved over to the window and pushed it open. She glanced around warily before climbing out onto the roof.


She maneuvered her way over to the spot above the front door and peeked over the edge.

"Children!" Barron yelled.

"Shush!" She heard as Miss Peregrine commanded back at the wight.

Damn, that woman is brave..

After a few minutes of muffled voices, the door opened and Barron strolled out with a birdcage in hand.

Christina's eyes widened when she saw who was inside it.

Miss Peregrine!

Christina growled and exploded off of the roof, shifted in midair, and collided with Barron right as he was about to turn around.

"Aahh!" He shrieked and flailed, dropping the cage in the process.

Miss Peregrine let out a cacophony of caws and fluttered against the bars.

Christina snarled and sunk her fangs into Barron's throat. In one swift motion, she ripped his head off of his body. She jumped away as his body collapsed to the ground; flinging the head away, she hurried over to the cage.

"Alma!" She quickly lifted the cage with her paw. "Are you hurt?" She grabbed the door between her jaws and pulled it open.

Miss Peregrine hopped out and stared at the dead body of Barron. Christina looked at it as well. "Well I did say.."

Miss Peregrine shifted back with a laugh.
"Oh, my dear Christina." She shook her head and put a hand on her arm.

Christina looked back at her and then at her arm. "Does it hurt..?"

"Just a bit. I will be fine. Come." She turned and hurried back inside, Christina at her heels.

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