Bad at Love

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Just as Miss Peregrine had promised, Miss Avocet left promptly after breakfast. Most of the children were either hugging the older ymbryne or telling her goodbye. Christina, however, hung back. She wasn't a fan of the old bird.

Christina sat on the front steps with a huff as she waited for the children to finish with their farewells. Emma sat next to her.

"What do you want?" Christina didn't even spare a glance at the girl.

"I..I just wanted to apologize to you. I know it's not my place to butt in."

Christina looked at the girl. "It's okay, Emma. If you knew my past.."

"I won't force you to tell me, but just know that I'm an excellent listener."

Christina gave a small sigh. "It's a gorey story. I'm not sure Miss Peregrine would approve of me telling you."

Emma raised a brow, "I'm fairly certain I am a lot older than you."

Christina laughed at that, "Okay, smart-ass."

Miss Peregrine shot a glare in Christina's direction but decided not to comment.

Emma gave a small smile. "I'm glad you're here, Christina. It would seem you are what we all needed."

"What? Me? I don't think so. It's probably Jake that's lightening the mood."

Emma laughed, "Jake is sweet and all, but he's definitely not charismatic."

"Please, Emma, you flatter me. Where is Jake by the way?" Christina glanced around at the children.

"He's.." Emma thought for a moment, "He's going back home with his father."

"Oh." Christina looked back at Emma. "I'm sorry."

Emma shrugged, "He said he'd be back.."

"Are we discussing unpleasant matters?" Miss Peregrine walked up to the duo.

"Of course not!" Emma rose. "I was just telling Christina how much we all love her."

Miss Peregrine smiled, "We do love her."

Christina blushed and cleared her throat.
"I love you all as well."

"Awww.." Emma clasped her hands together and put them up to her face.

Miss Peregrine grinned.

Christina huffed and rose to her feet. "Yeah, yeah." She shoved Emma playfully but the girl barely moved because of her shoes. Emma let out a giggle.

"Christina!" Fiona ran up and grabbed the girl's arm. "Can I have another ride??"

"Me too!" Claire was behind her.

"I uh.." she looked at Miss Peregrine.

Miss Peregrine tutted her tongue. "Now now, children, Christina's wound is still healing. I have forbade her from shifting."

The girls pouted. It broke Christina's heart.
"But Miss Peregrine-" She started.

Miss Peregrine gave her a look, "You promised."

Christina frowned before looking back at the girls. She kneeled in front of them.
"I promise I'll make it up to you two once my wound has finished healing."

The girls looked at each other and then back at Christina. They both held out their pinkies.

"Pinky swear." They said together.

Christina chuckled and hooked her pinkies around both of theirs.


Christina hovered behind Miss Peregrine as she waited for the daily hollowgast.

"Are you sure I can't help?"

The ymbryne looked at her watch. "Just warn me if it gets too close."

"Anywhere near you is too close.." she crossed her arms.

Miss Peregrine glanced back at the girl, a small smile playing at her lips.

Christina narrowed her eyes at the woman.

Miss Peregrine resumed her watch, raising her crossbow in the process. "You are quite..cute."

Christina blushed hard at the comment. Before she could come up with a response, she saw a gray appendage appear over the side of the cliff. She stiffened instantly and growled.

Miss Peregrine raised a hand to silence the girl. Christina obliged and stared in horror as the creature climbed up onto land.

Its eyeless gaze fell on Miss Peregrine and lunged forward. Before it got anywhere near, Miss Peregrine shot it in the head and killed it.

"Well damn.." Christina murmured.

Miss Peregrine turned around with a smirk.

"You have to do this every day?"

"Like clockwork." She strolled past Christina.

Christina followed. "Can you teach me how to shoot?"

Miss Peregrine hummed, "I suppose I could."

Christina moved up to walk beside the ymbryne. "I would really appreciate it."

Miss Peregrine looked at the girl. "We will start after the daily walk."

Christina smiled, "Miss Red-Tail wouldn't teach me. She said I didn't need to learn because I could protect myself without the use of a weapon."

"Miss Red-Tail taught me, you know."

Christina's eyes widened, "Really??"

Miss Peregrine nodded, "I still do not think I am as good as she was." She frowned slightly as the memories invaded her thoughts.

Christina grabbed the woman's hand, causing her to stop and give her a quizzical look.

"I'm sorry that I failed to protect her. I know you cared for her deeply."

Miss Peregrine pulled the girl into a one-armed hug. "Oh, love.. You did not fail anyone. The simple fact that you survived is a miracle in itself. Do not stain her memory with dark thoughts."

Christina sniffled and wrapped her arms around the woman.

Miss Peregrine set her crossbow down and wrapped her other arm around her as well.

"I'm s-sorry.. I don't mean t-to be so negative.."

Miss Peregrine kissed the girl's head and rubbed her back. "It is alright, love. We are here for you."

Christina gripped the ymbryne's jacket tightly. "I appreciate it.."

Miss Peregrine pulled back slightly and hooked her fingers under the girl's chin, she lifted her head and looked into her green, teary eyes.

"You can talk to me at any time about anything. I will always listen."

Christina gave her a small smile. "There's some things that..shouldn't be said."

Miss Peregrine frowned at that. "I see.. If you do not wish to tell me, please at least speak to Enoch, Olive, or Emma. You seem closer to them than I." She looked hurt.

Christina frowned and pulled away from the woman. "We should get back."

Miss Peregrine sighed and picked up her weapon before heading back to the house.

Christina didn't follow, though. She headed in a different direction.

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