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Christina had shifted back into a tiger and had dug a decently sized hole to bury Barron's body in. Enoch made the decapitated body walk over to the hole and climb in, as if it was laying down to nap.

"That skill of yours is very..convenient." Christina commented, casting a glance at the boy.

Enoch shrugged, "I'll take that as a compliment."

Christina chuckled at that and then went to fetch the head.

As the two finished burying the corpse, it had begun to sprinkle. "It's almost reset time." Enoch announced.

Right as he did, the door to the house opened and Miss Peregrine strolled out, the children close behind her.

She looked at the two but made no comment about the body. "Christina, I do believe this will be your first time witnessing the reset." The woman smiled.

Christina perked up, "Yes! I can't wait to see it."

Enoch moved over to Olive's side and whispered something into her ear, causing the girl to gasp quietly and shoot glances at Emma like she wanted to tell her something.

Christina followed Miss Peregrine over to a small table that had an umbrella attached to it. The ymbryne set a clock down and then pulled on a gas mask.
Christina cocked her head at that, but she noticed all the children were doing it.

Emma walked up to the tiger, an extra in hand. "You'll need this."

Christina shifted and took the mask. "Why?" She slid it onto her head, and as she did she heard a loud rumble.

She glanced around, wide eyed, and slowly made her way to Miss Peregrine’s side. Right as she was about to ask what was happening, planes shot past above their heads.

Christina squeaked quietly and latched onto Miss Peregrine’s arm.

The older woman hummed quietly and looked at her pocket watch.

Christina stared in horror as a bigger plane flew over the house and dropped something huge.

A bomb?!

The girl dug her nails into the ymbryne's arm.

Miss Peregrine shot her a glance before stopping the time.

Christina let out a shaky sigh as the loop was reset. Miss Peregrine pocketed her watch and then removed her mask.

"Are you alright, love?"

Christina looked up at her in confusion.
Miss Peregrine discarded her own mask onto the table and then pulled the mask off of the girl.

"You have quite the grip, you know."

Christina looked down at the arm she was clung to and her face went red. She pulled back instantly. "I am so sorry, Miss Peregrine. Did..Did I hurt you?"

Miss Peregrine chuckled and shook her head. "No. I am alright. I suppose I should have warned you, though. My apologies, dear."

Christina gave the woman a small smile. "The reset was really cool. I'm glad I got to see it."

Miss Peregrine beamed happily. "There is one more thing we must show you."

"Movie time!" Hugh exclaimed and ran excitedly into the house.

Christina was the last one to enter the house. She looked around the living room at all the children. They seemed really excited for what was about to happen.

Unsure of where she should sit, the girl just decided to lean against the doorframe.
Miss Peregrine came up behind her and leaned close to her ear. "Hot cocoa, love?"

Christina blushed at the proximity and looked at the mug that was being held out to her. "Th-Thank you." She took the mug and let the steam warm her face.

Miss Peregrine gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and then looked at Horace. "Ready, Horace?"

"Of course, Miss Peregrine." He placed a monocle looking thing over his eye.

Miss Peregrine leaned across Christina and turned the light off.

Christina didn't even focus on the movie that was playing. Her thoughts were on a specific ymbryne.

Maybe I should just tell her.. No! She'll just reject you and then you'll be upset.

Miss Peregrine eyed the girl next to her before poking her side. Christina jumped slightly from being tickled but didn't look at the ymbryne. She only looked up once the children started giving collective gasps.

On the projection was a tiger carrying an unconscious falcon on its back.

Miss Peregrine narrowed her eyes in thought before flicking the lights back on. "Time for bed, children."

Groans sounded around the room.

Christina turned and went to the kitchen while Miss Peregrine got the children ready for bed. She leaned against the counter and sipped on her cocoa.

Maybe I should just leave..

The Tiger and the FalconWhere stories live. Discover now