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The next morning, Christina helped Miss Peregrine with breakfast. She was finally able to make the omelets that she'd wanted to make before. Miss Peregrine hovered over the girl's shoulder the whole time, completely intrigued by the new meal.

The children loved the omelets. Even Enoch looked impressed. He shot Christina a look of approval. Christina gave the boy a small smile in return.

"Christina, you have to make this again!" Fiona said excitedly.

A few of the other children murmured their agreement.

Christina gave a small chuckle, "I'll think about it."

Fiona pouted.

"I am sure Christina would not mind making this again for you all." Miss Peregrine chipped in, "Right, darling?"

Christina blushed a little, "Of course. I was just teasing." She shot Fiona a grin who immediately smiled back. "Maybe we can even try some other vegetables in it, hmm?"

Fiona gave a small gasp, "I can help with that!" She paused and shot Miss Peregrine a look. "Is that okay?"

Miss Peregrine smiled at the girl and gave a nod.

"Um.." Emma started.

Both Christina and Miss Peregrine looked at the older girl.

"I was wondering if I could go into town today. The present town, not..not our town."

Miss Peregrine shared a glance with Christina. An unspoken conversation flowing between them.

"I suppose that is alright. Just take Christina with you."

Christina looked back at Emma who smiled.

"Thank you. I'll do extra chores to make up for it."

Miss Peregrine waved her off, "No need for that, Miss Bloom. Just have fun, and stay out of trouble."

Christina and Emma exited the loop and stepped into the present. It was, of course, raining. The girls had come prepared though, and they each opened an umbrella.

They began walking towards town in an awkward silence. Christina just assumed she was upset about Jake. He had yet to return from Florida.

"So.." Christina started.

"Did you tell her yet?" Emma interrupted.

Christina let out a huff but didn't answer.

Emma gasped and looked at Christina; she grabbed the girl's arm. "You did, didn't you?!" Her face was lit up with excitement.

Christina gave a sigh and focused on the younger girl. "I did."

"What did she say?"

Christina's face reddened and she glanced away nervously, "That..That she loves me too."

Emma squealed and hugged her. "I'm so happy for you two!"

Christina chuckled nervously, "Thanks I guess. Is that why you wanted to come out here? Just to ask me that?"

Emma pulled away, "No, I just wanted to look around the shops." She avoided Christina's gaze.

"You wanted to see if he was here, didn't you?"

Emma sighed but nodded. "I miss him."

Christina placed a hand on Emma's shoulder. "We all miss that little shithead."

Emma burst out into laughter. "Christina!"

Christina gave a small shrug and smiled, "Don't tell the bird that I said a bad word. I'd be in so much trouble."

The Tiger and the FalconTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon