Chapter 2

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Brennevin looked at the knife, blood dripping down the edge. In the reflection she saw her tired eyes, her dark circles had only become stronger she had the urge to sleep. Just lie down and sleep through. But the young girl shook her head, her stern braid resting on her shoulders. With a sigh, she stood up and briefly mustered the victim.

The thin, not muscular man, with a three-day beard, which had to be shaved long ago, lay lifeless on the floor. His eyes wide open, his mouth twisted to a cry, though not a single sound escaped. Brennevin had eliminated the target quickly, a cut through the throat, and the problem was solved. Job done.

She walked around the body, her grappling hook on her side and the staff on her back. The view from this apartment was a catastrophe, instead of a night skyline, you saw an abandoned, old factory. Smoke used to rise into the sky, but now nature slowly recaptured what man had taken from it.

A short smile flashed across Brennevin's face. But the equipment of the apartment was not bad. Expensive, modern furniture, state-of-the-art technology, even a house assistant, whoever needed that. Mostly, Ash wondered what kind of people they were, but she kept her mouth shut.

Gin did not allow questions, questions were unnecessary, and they interfered with the plans. Like he always said, the less you know, the better.

She shook her head again. She'd better focus on the job. Kill target, destroy data.

Brennevin searched the rest of the rooms, but there seemed to be only something in the office. Lots of documents, folders, and a big, flat monitor. Bingo shot her in the head.

Briefly, she was curious as to why the guy had to die, but she tanned herself, probably as dirty as the organization itself. Or a rat. She spits that thought out. Like Dubonnet. Noc. A traitorous Noc. And she also had to train with him... she almost choked at the thought.

Anyway, she should focus on herself. That was more important. She hastily fetched a lighter out of her bag and lit a piece of paper. The greedy flames licked the important documents, and the bright, glaring sparks danced in the dim moonlight. Brennevin made sure that everything would burn, then, one last look at the body, with a skillful jump on the balcony.

She pulled out the grappling hook and made her way to the roof of a lower-lying building. She took out her phone and typed Gin a message. It was an old, touching thing.

It's done. In short, Ash wouldn't waste any unnecessary time talking. The phone would dump them in the next trash can. Then she disappeared into the shadow of the city.

One person followed the whole thing and smiled when the flames had taken over the whole apartment. The dark, thick smoke squeezed out of the windows and climbed up to the roof.

"She did everything", said the voice. She was on the phone with someone. "Yes", the person answered. "That's good. Very good. Do we keep an eye on them?" the person wanted to know. She listened briefly. "I understand...will keep you informed", said the stranger.

Then she hung up and watched the spectacle of red and yellow colors for a few minutes. "Time to bring them together", the person said and grinned. When a fresh wind pulled the smoke in the direction of the person, the person was instantly gone, as if the smoke had devoured the person.


Loud horns sounded in the crowded streets, and cars and people rushed through the streets as if they were current from a water source. Nick frowned as he was looking for a certain person in a cap and sunglasses.

It was so filthy hot. Sweat ran down on him in streams, though Nick only had one arm of free top and shorts on. Annoyed, he squeezed past the crowds and stopped in front of a restaurant. This is where it should be.

Where was Gin? Why did that guy have to drag him here, of all places? He knew Nick hated places. Especially loud and with countless people.

At last, he saw the black Porsche shining in the bright sun. A few seconds later, a tall man dressed in a black coat. Didn't the guy die of heat? Or didn't he have any other clothes, that he kept the same deception all the time? Dubonnet stood up to him, the cool air in the restaurant was pleasantly fresh.

"You're on time. That's good", Gin growled. His eyes followed the streets. "What is my assignment?" Dubonnet wanted to know immediately. As long as it went fast, he had a lot to do. He didn't need to be told how to kill someone.

"The company Den Son, there is an employee who is supposed to give us certain data. But it looks like a small gang of would-be thieves wants to steal the data at the meeting", explained Gin, chewing on his cigarette. "When is this meeting?" Dubonnet said.

"Today. Seven o'clock. At the back parking lot of the second building of Den Son", Gin replied narrowly. Dubonnet nodded seriously. Then he turned around, but Gin stopped him. "One more thing. You're not giving the data to me. You're giving it to someone else. But Vermouth will tell you about that soon", he turned his attention to the street with a cool view.

Confused, Nick raised a brow. Vermouth? Someone else? Did it have to be so complicated? Anyway, as long as it was quick. Nick left the restaurant and immediately longed for cool water. He had time till 7:00. He would do some training in the organization. . . And preferably swim for a swim. He could use a cooling-off.

Gin watched Nick disappear into the crowd. Then he grabbed his phone and looked at the last message. It's done. They would soon see if Vermouth's plan made sense, but Gin didn't trust Dubonnet. . . At least not yet.

A waitress put a martini on his table. Gin looked into the reflection of the drink. Suddenly his phone buzzed, he had received a text message. We have a problem. It's about her. Wrote vodka. Gin spit out the cigarette and swallowed the drink. It was a shitty day.

Thanks again for the drawing! Thx to furuyash on Insta! Thx to Anime_fan_girl1412 !

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Thanks again for the drawing! Thx to furuyash on Insta! Thx to Anime_fan_girl1412 !

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