Chapter 17 Dubonnet the NOC I

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Nick closed the car door, now sitting in a BMW with Brennevin and Bourbon. "There you are at last," he heard Bourbon, who was running his hands through his hair. "Sorry for the delay. Had an errand for a minute," Nick mumbled, buckling his seatbelt. Ash only gave a low growl of his own. So much he wanted to apologize for yesterday, but he didn't dare look back. "We're leaving right now. To the target," Rei said, staring at the car.

Then they turned the corner and followed the main road. "Do we have to kill him?", Nick wanted to know. What was he going to do? Somehow, he had to warn Conan, or the organization would kill the boy. Bourbon glanced in the rearview mirror.

"Yes, if the kidnapping doesn't work, we'll have to kill him," the blond replied tensely. There was something wrong with him too, since when was the agent so tense on missions? Or was it because this was about Shinichi Kudo? "This is going to be a piece of cake," Ash said, crossing her arms. Nick didn't dignify her with another glance. I need more time. I need to warn Conan! But how? What...what if everything comes to light? What if the others find out I'm an NOC? Nick squinted back at the girl. She'll never trust me again. He didn't want her to.

He actually liked Ash, but...people's lives were at stake here. Dubonnet had no choice. Bourbon eyed Dubonnet uncertainly. "You seem so upset, are you all, right?" he wanted to know. "Surely. It's just not enough sleep," Nick lied coldly. The blond regarded him for a moment, then turned his attention back to the road. "We'll be right there," Rei said suddenly, stopping behind a tall hedge.

"What's the plan? Just rush in and kidnap him?" echoed Nick. "No. We'll lure him out and then grab him. In an emergency-" "In an emergency, I'll wring his neck," Ash finished the sentence. Nick nodded slowly. The three of them got out. The two agents were already lining up at the corner when Nick quickly pulled out his cell phone. He had to text Conan! "Come on now!" hissed Ash. Dubonnet hid the cell phone in his pocket and followed the two. In front of the professor's house stood two police cars.

Just then, several men strode out of the house. "We'll put out an APB. Don't worry, we'll do everything we can to find her," said a not-too-tall man in a beige hat. Another man next to him wrote everything down. "Megure, Shiratori, thank you. We'll be in touch if the kidnappers come forward," said a man with black hair. "Of course, Mori," with that they got into the car and drove off. "They're gone," Nick whispered, and the three agents crept closer to the corner. "Dubonnet, you ring the bell," Bourbon determined.

This was his chance! Thus, he could warn Conan. "Wait here," Nick returned. If he didn't take this would all be in vain. The boy rang the front doorbell and held his breath tensely. After a few seconds, a little boy with glasses opened it for him. "You? What-" but before even Conan could utter a single sound, Dubonnet grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up. "Don't shout. I don't have time. Two agents of the organization want to kill you, both behind the hedge," he hissed quickly.

Conan widened his mouth, but folded it shut again. "I'm on your side. Bite my hand, run for it. I...will distract them," Dubonnet declared. He then briskly dragged Conan around the corner, Conan looking at him in confusion. But when he caught sight of Bourbon, he seemed to understand and bit down with all his might. Nick knew that this, might be the end for him. He would be told he was a Noc...and then he would be killed.

The end.

But he didn't care.

He couldn't watch any more people get slaughtered, this had done enough. "Argh! Damn it!", Nick roared out, flinging Conan to the ground. The latter nodded at him. "Run," Dubonnet whispered. The little detective didn't need to be told twice, but sprinted off.

"DAMN YOU IDIOT! RUN!" roared Ash, overtaking Nick. Enraged, the girl dashed after Conan Edogowa, her legs almost flying across the ground. "Shit, Nick, watch it!", Bourbon grumbled at him too. Shaking his head, he followed Brennevin. The two couldn't believe they were losing track of a little boy.

The little master detective took advantage of the lead and pulled out his soccer ball. Ash growled and jumped on the boy as fast as lightning, missing him by a hair's breadth. "Will you stop already!" she literally spat out these words. Conan grinned exhausted and peppered the ball in her direction.

"Watch it!" shouted Dubonnet, even though he knew Ash would never buy it. The girl crossed her arms in front of her face as the ball hit her with full force. Ash slammed into someone else's car and gasped. Bourbon didn't waste another second and reached for Conan, but he suddenly ducked. Thus, he deftly dodged and ran back to the professor's house.

"Brennevin, go-", Nick tried to help Ash up, but she slapped his hand away. "Idiot! You best stay out of this! You dirty rat!" she yelled at him. Then she jumped after Conan. Nick was silent for a moment. It was true. He was a rat. A dirty, lying rat. Conan, meanwhile, grabbed the skateboard and chugged through the streets. Good thing Dubonnet had warned him...or it would have been over. For him and for Haibara. He had to make sure the agents were chasing only him. Far away from the house, far away from Ran and the children.

"Ran," he whispered, glancing behind. Startled, he realized that the girl was following him! And quite fast, too! Like a cheetah, she sprinted after him, jumping from one car to another. Where were Bourbon and Dubonnet? Conan turned into a side street, he tried to shake off Brennevin, which he immediately discarded. This girl was too fast! The little detective headed for the river, where the bike path led only straight ahead. There, where there were no buildings, she would not be able to follow him for long!

Suddenly he heard a loud screech as a car braked sharply in front of him. It was a dark BMW! Where did it come from now? At the last second, Conan caught sight of Bourbon at the wheel, while Dubonnet pointed a pistol at him. The black-haired boy braked, wanted to turn around, but Brennevin appeared behind him. She kicked immediately. Pain made the little kudo fall to the ground as he saw Brennevin smash his skateboard in the corner of his eye. "Hmph," she gave out. Threateningly, she approached Conan and grabbed him by the Collar. "Dead or alive, you say?" she threw at Bourbon. The latter rolled down the window and nodded. "Well done, now-"

A shot rang out. Brennevin dropped Conan, startled. What had that been? "Knock it off!", Dubonnet had gotten out of the car and was aiming at Ash. "What are you doing, Noc?" she hissed at him. Bourbon tried to get out of the car, but Nick kicked her. "Don't move. I'll shoot," Nick warned. Uncertainly, he clutched the pistol in his hand. Ash glared at him coldly. "You're bluffing," she interjected.

"You sure? Wanna try it out?" a second later, Nick shot past Ash by millimeters. He didn't want to hurt her...but he had to save Conan...and Ai... "You bastard," she growled. Conan stood up, panting, and exchanged glances between Nick and Ash. "Run," he ordered Conan. "Find Ai where her other half encountered Gin...for the first time or something..." hissed Nick.

The little detective hesitated for a moment, then took off running. Nick kept hoping inside that the little boy would figure it out. Now he had only one thing to do. Distract Ash and Rei. Even if he paid with his life.

He had had enough. Enough of the lies, enough of the toxic and poisonous conditions...enough of the organization. The moment had come, from now on he played with open cards.

"What are you doing! Dubonnet stop this shit!", Bourbon drove at him. "Doing what I have to do," Nick replied. Slowly he lowered the pistol, but still held it loaded in his hand. Ash struggled with himself. What was the guy thinking!

"You're a noc aren't you! A filthy, annoying noc!" the girl scolded, menacingly walking slowly toward him. "Cowardly, miserable rat! Not brave enough to kill people, you're just scum! No one likes you! No one will like you because you-" but Nick interrupted her, "Yes it's true. I'm a NOC! I'm a fucking dirty rat! I work for the FSB! My goal is to destroy the organization! Was that what you wanted to hear? Well?", Nick yelled at her. Quick as a flash, Brennevin pushed Nick against the car, her hands clutching his neck.

"YOU'RE WHAT?" shouted Bourbon, even though Nick and he knew he was just acting. "I knew. I knew it from the beginning," her voice thundered like a thousand bells in his head. He couldn't look her in the eye anymore. "From the very first second, I suspected it. The best thing to do is just kill you," Ash snatched the gun out of Nick's hand and slammed it to his head. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't," she threatened him slowly. Nick remained silent.

"What do you want to hear? You hate me...I don't hate you. I see more in you than an object, I see more in you than the organization. And if you want to kill me, you that. I'm not going to fight back, the only thing I'm going to do is ask you if you really want to keep working for the organization and killing people." Brennevin stared at him.

Then she shot.

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