Chapter 15

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Once again, she felt the burning sensation on her skin, the stench and smoke rose to her nostrils. Tears streamed down her distorted face, yet she remained silent.

"Oh, Sherry...why did you stop screaming? Your beautiful voice, I want to hear it again," Gin toyed with her. His grin went out and the man in the black coat straightened up. "What a ridiculous sight...I expected more from you, Shio," he hissed. His cigarette in his hand had gone out, several times leaving burn scars on Haibara's bare arms. "Why are you doing this?" she whispered, sobbing. The man stopped moving.

"Why are you hurting people? Why do you want to destroy people's lives and take away their happiness?", Ai's voice was quite trembling. Gin stared at her emotionlessly. "I didn't do anything to you personally! I just wanted to live a happy life, just be like everyone else!", slowly the voice grew louder.

"My parents! You took them away from me! My sister, you stole her from me too! What was left for me? To die and suffer in constant fear, to develop a poison that kills people? Was I to continue my parents' torment for the rest of my life, even though I never wanted to?!", Haibara was now screaming. Still Gin looked coldly at the girl. "Are you here willingly? Do you want to harm people?!", Sherry's voice failed.

"All I wanted was to die...not even that is given to me," she sighed. Gin broke free from the silence, slowly he strode to her. "I will soon put you out of your misery, Sherry. But I promise you, as soon as I have all the names of the will see your parents again," he growled. Suddenly, he rammed his fist into the pit of her stomach. Gasping for air, Ai collapsed on the chair.

Several times she had to cough, her lungs gasping for oxygen. "You think you can get me soft here, Shio? Just because you're crying your heart out? No way. Your hours are numbered, you're going to die. And I'll see to it myself. With my own hands. I'll kill you like I killed your sister," Gin's voice sounded rough and empty. The man turned his back on her and chose vodka. But even after the third try, he didn't pick up.

"Is this guy sleeping again?!" he hissed through his teeth. No matter, he could wait, they had all the time in the world. Ai Haibara's eyes began too slowly close. Kudo...where are you staying? She didn't know how much longer she would last here. If only she knew where Gin had taken her! His gray hair shone in the wind.

"Sherry. If you're going to die, why don't you tell me now if you really did it? Develop a poison that doesn't kill people...but rejuvenates them?" his breath she felt on her lips. "Bullshit...then Pisco really wasn't lying back then-so be it, I killed him, no one cared about him," Gin chuckled. Haibara just bowed her head. She remembered well how excited Pisco had been. Shio Miyano had been able to do her parents' job. How terrible. "Even...even, if that's the case, what does that change?", Ai asked the counter question. Gin grinned wryly.

"I'm afraid you'll never know, Sherry."


Nick stormed into the trio's headquarters when suddenly Ash stepped in his way. "Stay here!" she grumbled at him. The girl regarded him sternly with her brown eyes. Dubonnet didn't feel like arguing, especially because it was pointless with Ash, which was why he pushed past her. "I'm talking to you!" the agent remarked sharply.

"Ash, really, I have better things to do-", Nick wanted to get rid of her, but Ash interrupted him. "You're going to explain to me and Grandpa what this is all about right now," she grumbled, annoyed, holding up a CD case. Someone had written 'Dubonnet' on it in red pen. Immediately, Dubonnet's heart started beating faster. What did this mean? He stared at the CD with wide eyes. "What are you looking at me like a broken car for? Go on. An explanation. Right now," she demanded. Minoru stepped up to the two.

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