The beginning of Dubonnet: Anastasia

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With nimble legs, Nick and Alex leapt across the rooftops while the curly-haired man used his cell phone to get the location of the Siberian Tigress. "It's funny, she didn't even realize we were following her," Alex remarked, grinning. His green eyes lit up. "What if she leads us to her hideout," he added. "Not likely. She's not stupid, like you," Nick grumbled, stopping to examine. They had had to make the man's body disappear, but they had taken the cell phone and other items with them. "Somewhere in this building, it must be," the FSB agent said, pointing to the apartment building. "Third floor. Easier for us to get in," Nick looked at the windows. "There's one open, come on," he urged his colleague.

Deftly he jumped from the roof and shimmied along the gutter. But Alex, with his large body measurements and more weight, was apparently too heavy for that, because the gutter groaned under his weight. "Can you do it a little quieter?" hissed Nick. "That's easy for you to say! You weigh just twenty kilos less than me!" his buddy grumbled. Again, the gutter groaned. "Shut up for once," Nick grumbled and climbed through the window. Inside, a chaotic living room awaited the two of them, with countless cats ambling about. Nick had to pull himself together not to sneeze out loud. "Damn! I'm elegiac against cats!" he hissed. "I'm not surprised there are so many cats here. After all, she's a cat herself," Alex laughed. But just as the two were about to look around the desk, someone stepped in.

"I'm a predatory cat, you moron," a female voice improved on him. Alex and Nick turned around, startled. "Wait...what?!" exclaimed Nick. He looked into the face of the girl from the cafe! There, the sweater still had the coffee stain. "Yeah, you still owe me that coffee too," she folded her arms. "What are you doing here? I hardly think FSB agents would attack an innocent girl, do you?" she narrowed her eyes. "Where from-", Alex wanted to know, but the girl interrupted him. Her colorful strands fell into her face. With her ice blue eyes, Nick mused amusedly. "I managed to get a glimpse of your IDs. Nikita Belov and Alex Dobrow," she grinned. "Damn, she's good," Alex had to admit.

"So you're the Siberian Tigress?", Nick thrust his chin forward. "No, I'm your aunt from the East. Yes of course! Who else would be? That suit over there in the closet is mine too. And the...all the cats," she laughed. At the cats remark, Nick couldn't help but sneeze. "Here's what we're going to do, you get your great IDs back and I get my peace of mind, right?" she played with the FSB IDs in her hand. "Or else what?", Nick snorted. "Or else you'll have to go get them~", she did an elegant back flip and stuck her arm out the window. "You don't want to waste your precious time, do you?" she echoed. "We can make new ones," Alex remarked. "Medvedov will behead us," Nick sighed. "Yeah, okay hand over the IDs, we're out of here," he conceded. "There you go," the girl tossed the badges to the two guys. "So your name is Anastasia?", Alex interjected, looking at the wall with the various diplomas. Awards for gymnastics and gymnastics. But also some for chess and math. "Yes Anastasia Sneynaya, a problem with that?" she replied harshly.

"We're leaving now," Nick grumbled, tugging on Alex's arm. "Still take this with you," Anastasia said, tossing the tracking device at his feet. "Next time, try harder," she grinned again. "Next time, just don't show up at all," Nick countered. "Well, we'll see about that," she blew the strand out of her face and lifted a cat. Then she approached Nick. "What...are you...doing there? Ah...ah....ah...ahpschi," Nick started sneezing again. "Don't fucking stick that critter in my face," and another sneeze. "Let's go," Ana raised the cat threateningly. "Meow," the cat tried to lick Nick's face. "Yeah right, meow," Ana repeated grinning at the sound. "Argh damn, ahpschi! I'm just getting...ah...ah...a cat...apshi! Into the apshi! Escape?!", Nick's eyes started to tear up and his nose was burning like crazy. Alex couldn't get out of his laughter in return. "That little detour was worth it after all," he grinned. "Get the hell out of here," Ana extended her cat claws. "Or I'll throw angry cats at you," she threatened. "All right, hapschi," Nick reached for the front door. "Oh no, nice out the window!" she pointed in the direction Nick and Alex had come from. "You're not serious...ahh...are you...?", Nick rubbed his nose.

"Oh yes," Ana stuck the cat in his face. A thief put an FSB agent to flight with the help of cats. Ridiculous. Well, they just wanted to find out more about her anyway, they had done that now. Now they could leave again. "What do you mean, I can climb over the gutter again?", Alex grimaced. "Well get on with it!", Nick coughed and sneezed again. The two climbed out the window, Nick giving Ana one last look. "You're a mean...ah....pschi...cuka!" he cursed.

"Me too," Ana grinned and closed the window. Then the let the cat on the floor.

"Nikita...Belov...", she whispered the name curiously. I wonder if she would ever see him again?


Here he stood now. All alone. Where the man in black should be standing.

A young man with brown skin and blond hair came towards him. It was Bourbon, but still Nick did not know. Nor did it know at all what to expect.

"Are you ready for your First Mission..." the man spoke while running his hand through his hair.

"...Dubonnet?" he wanted to know. That was his code name from now on. Dubonnet.

"Yes, that's me," Nick replied seriously.

And that was how it had happened.

That was how Dubonnet had come to be.

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