Chapter 14

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"We're being careful. We're just looking," he assured her and ran off. "Come on!" he shouted with a grin on his face, his brown hair blowing in the gentle breeze. The girl hesitated. Actually, she didn't want to go to the big road. But she wasn't a scaredy-cat either. "I'm coming," she called after him, hurrying in his direction.

If only they had known. If only he had known that everything would be different.

But was it even possible to change fate? And if so-what would be the price?

The little boy and the girl hurried across the large meadow. More precisely, they were on an embankment that separated the road next to them from the river. "Hey, wait up!" the girl laughed, slowly running out of breath. But the boy in front of him didn't listen to her at all, his brown hair blowing disheveled in the wind.

"Look how beautiful this is! You can see the whole river from here! I think the dog likes it too," he chuckled. At last, the girl caught up. "We're too far away, Nick," she warned him. Slowly, she was getting scared. What if her parents got mad that they had run so far away? "We're going really fast! There and back. Look now!" interjected Nick. The blonde girl glared at him angrily. "Don't be offended now, man," Nick grumbled, crossing his arms. "I'm not offended," the girl returned grumpily. "If you don't want to-I don't care," the boy returned, turning around. "Move over! Make way!", Nick tried to play with the dog.

But all of a sudden, the mutt broke free and ran away. "Hey, stay here! Hello!" cried little Nick, startled. "Way to go," his friend teased, rolling her eyes. "I'm sorry," Nick admitted quietly. But the girl had already started running. "Come here. Here, I've got treats!" the blonde girl yelled, trying to grab the dog. Nick looked sadly at the ground. Actually, he didn't want to fight. He just wanted to show Yelena the great place. Now the dog had run away too! Determined, the little brown-haired man ran.

"Wait, I'll come from the other side," Nick shouted, overtaking Yelena. Then he sprinted past the dog. "Now!" he urged Yelena. Immediately the girl came to the dog, it turned around, noticed Nick and rushed to the side. "Oh, come on!" whined Yelena. "Oh no, there's the road!" suddenly caught Nick's eye. "What?" shrieked Yelena. Without even a second's hesitation, she ran down the stairs after the dog. Before even Nick could bat an eyelash, the two were on their way down.


Quietly, he pressed himself against the wall. He couldn't be seen. This time he'd opted for a black hoodie and black sweatpants, his red camouflage suit would be too obtrusive. Breathing shallowly, he peered cautiously around the corner. There he was, the target. Conan Edogawa. The little boy, about seven or eight years old, had black hair and glasses on. Looking closer, Dubonnet recognized somewhere in this boy Shinichi Kudo. Was this really the great detective? Had Shinichi Kudo really been made smaller by the poison? Nick crept around the corner, slowly following the boy.

He was just walking with an older man, the two of them talking intrusively. "I need to get closer," Dubonnet hissed to himself as Conan and the older man with gray hair turned the corner. Cautiously, Nick squinted from behind the bush. "This is exactly where it was. This is where they had attacked us and kidnapped us," Conan Edogawa said. His gaze rested on the ground. The older man knelt down and examined the ground.

"No tracks? No clues?" he wanted to know. Conan shook his head in vain. "Nothing. Gin and vodka pushed them into the car and thundered me against the wall. Nobody else noticed anything," he admitted dejectedly. Dubonnet's eyebrows shot up. This was where Gin had kidnapped Ai Haibara, that is, Sherry? Cautiously, Nick crouched a little closer. "How are we going to find out where Ai is? We can't find out where they took the poor girl," the man muttered. "Agasa," Conan suddenly said, nodding in Nick's direction. Had he noticed him? How could that be? "What is it Conan?" whispered Agasa back.

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