The beginning of Dubonnet I

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If you asked Nick if he loved his life, he would immediately say no. He hated his life. Especially his childhood. After all, that's where it had all started. The death of Yelena, the murder of his parents. Poor Nick had not really been able to cope with it all at that time. Maybe that was the reason for his aggression and his violent contact with people, the agent wasn't sure. But right now, he was staring into the mirror in front of him and looking at his face. He once had pimples. Now his skin was marked by scars and countless scratches. His commander, however, said scratches made a warrior. To be honest, Nick didn't even care, he had lost interest in people a long time ago. One could say that life had hardened him. Which was actually true. Nick sighed. Slowly the memories came back.

Back then, after his parents were found dead, he had been dropped off at an orphanage. Not the best place to grow up. There, of course, it was quickly noticed that he sometimes liked to beat up other children. This had probably developed through trauma and hatred, Nick himself did not know exactly. Only that he had then just aggression, which he could not control. Maybe another problem was that the children were all treated really badly. The food never tasted good; the rules were all very strict. Why it was like that Nick couldn't say, he just guessed that there were too many kids and the home didn't have enough money. At some point the boy just couldn't take it anymore.

He just left because he didn't want to live there anymore. Besides, he didn't want to hurt more children and be feared by others. Actually, he had had enough of everything too...Nick sighed. He looked in the mirror one last time, then left the bathroom and put on his suit. Today his head should be clear. Free of superfluous thoughts and memories. It was about a very important delivery. And this one had to arrive at any cost, because that was the first step to gain the trust of organization.

But on the other hand, if he had not run away from the children's home, he would never have made it into the FSB. At first, he lived on the street, always organizing his food with sleight of hand. Especially in winter it had been a hard time. But little by little he had learned how to defend himself and how to get certain things. Not to mention the black market. But never did Nick think he would be seen by a commander. A commander who picked him up because Nick attacked him with a knife because he wanted his money. That had been commander Medvedov. And he recognized the potential of the boy.

"Are you coming? I'm already putting down roots here!" shouted Alex, his buddy, running his hands through his curly hair. The suit fit him well, punctuating Alex's trained and wiry body. "Yeah, I'm with you," Nick replied, annoyed. The young agent straightened his shoulders and left the room. "I'm so excited," Alex joked, playfully punching Nick in the shoulder. "Do that again and I'll break your hand," his smaller buddy grumbled, still grinning inwardly.

"Well, then. Let's get going," Alex said and got on his bike.

"So-so," Nick agreed, putting on his helmet.

Mission: Infiltrate Black Organization could begin...

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