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Once me and Enola were placed in a "lovely" room which was definitely worth the money Enola spent on it, she got to explaining me the details on what they would do to go ahead to find her mother

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Once me and Enola were placed in a "lovely" room which was definitely worth the money Enola spent on it, she got to explaining me the details on what they would do to go ahead to find her mother.

She says tomorrow we will be leaving a decipher in every newspaper that her mother might read.


The next morning we both headed to every newspaper agency until eventually ending up in a small one that Enola claimed that her mother never missed.

At the magazine of model women hood I gasp as I stare down at one of the papers a familiar young boys image gazing back up at me.

"Enola!" I hiss elbowing her in the stomach.

"Ow what!" She hisses back.

"Look." I point down at the paper and she looks at it before picking it up, pretending to be examining it for the first time.

"This gentlemen seems to be getting allot of attention." She says vaguely to the man serving us.

"Well he is a bloomin' marques!" He says to me and Enola like we are stupid for not knowing that simple piece of information.

Enola huffs. 

So I link her arm in mine "Come on 'Nola, lets get some tea!" I suggest an idea she seems to like and we head to a small café that Enola said was perfect.

We enter the small building looking around, its nice in here.

"Afternoon!" Me and Enola chant nicely to the waitress.

"Afternoon." She replies.

But what catches me and Enola eye as in the next room we look up and the chandelier is rattling with shouting sounding from somewhere upstairs.

"What's up there?" Enola asks the waitress once more.

"Noisy Bloody women!" She responds while pouring some tea, with a chuckle.

Enola grabs my hand and pulls me upstairs. I happily smile as we enter the room it is filled with mats and groups of women all practicing different types of martial arts.  Me and Enola walk into the middle of the room and a nice looking lady who seems to be instructing the women on what to do comes to speak to us.

"Afternoon, come to be recurited?" She asks me and Enola, in a polite manner.

"No." Replies Enola straight away. "Umm... we are looking for Eudoria Vernet Holmes."

The women stiffens at the name. So she knows something. "Enola?" The women asks hesitantly. "Enola Holmes, that is you isn't it?" 

Enola says nothing but before she can speak the women turns to me.

"Well I never, Ester, your brother told me to keep an eye out for you." She says kindly. I don't even know this women so I cross my arms in reply.

"Why are you both dressed like powder puffs?" She says in an amused voice mostly looking at Enola's posh corset and red fabric, compared to my simple outfit.

"How do you know my brother?" I ask interested, my brother has not once mentioned this women.

"Well who do you think taught your brother to teach you martial arts, and Enola I was your first teacher." She says smiling kindly at me in Enola. And that is when I realize I can trust her.

The women puts her hand on Enola's shoulder as if to test how good we are, Enola used her gravity against her, while I slip her feet out from under her holding her arm as she falls, keeping it restrained behind her back. A loud thud echoing through the room and all the other ladies stop what they are doing and look at us impressed.

"You two have progressed nicely I see." The women chuckles as I release her arm from my hold. Enola offers her a hand to her feet and me and her high five at our nicely executed stunt. Then we make our way to her office to speak in private.


Enola sits down at the desk as I lean on the opposing wall and the women sits on the table. "I know you two would be great friends, I would never thought you would actually meet though." The women I now know's name is Edith says.

"Yes, well running away from home births likely friendships." I reply with a laugh and sending a  smile in Enola's direction. 

"You two are alone in London?" Asks Edith curiously.

"Yes" I say firmly, because that is the truth. Well if you don't count Tewksbury and my monthly checkup with my brother.

"There was a useless boy but we have rid ourselves of him." Enola huffsat the thought of him. In my opinion he is not that useless. 

 "We have money logings but we just need to find her." She eagerly says excited at seeing her mother again.

"What makes you think she wants to be found?" Edith asks in such a way you know that Enola's mother does not want to be found. It's not a question it is a statement phrased as a question. "Eudoria has been hiding all her life, if she wants to stay hidden she will." Edith confirms "and besides she has work to do."

"What work?" Enola interrupts, since knowing Enola I have realized knowledge is her strong point. As I like to notice and pick apart things, she remembers things and can pull information from anywhere.

"I cannot say" Replies Edith, in a strict manner.

Enola takes a minute to think you can literally see the wheels turning in her head as if she is working out something. Then she asks "Who is Ellie Housman?"

"I wish I could help you more." Edith says trying to get us off of her back.

"You can but you won't." I pipe up, which is the complete truth. I am pretty sure if she wanted to she could tell us where Enola's mother is right now, she could.

"I must get back to my students, you can see yourself out." Edith mutters going to leave, in a way I realize that this conversation is done.

But Enola grabs her shoulder not accepting no more information and Edith easily flips her over her shoulder and onto the floor. Then Enola tries to do the corkscrew wrapping her legs around Edith's but fails Edith holding her in position stopping her from going any further.

"Never could manage that one could ya?" Says Edith in a motherly sort of voice before allowing Enola to stand up again.

Edith goes to leave again but stops herself next to the door to turn around Andy speak to us from one last time "If you two want to stay in London and be tough. Be tough. But not because you are looking for someone but because you are looking for yourself."

Enola sighs annoyed before taking a moment to look around the office looking for anything she can recognize. She's stops at a crate with a dragon logo on the side of the box. She's holds up a small explosive and I can again see the wheels turning in her head. After a moment she looks up at me a smile on her face.

"We are going to Limehouse lane." She says taking my arm and we leave the Martial Arts group and the cafe, without even eating heading urgently to Lime house lane.

Hope you enjoyed the Chapter :)

Have a good day!

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