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"So you truly believe my life is in danger?" Asks Tewksbury as we head to the kitchen to boil some tea

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"So you truly believe my life is in danger?" Asks Tewksbury as we head to the kitchen to boil some tea. Enola fills the pot with water before placing it on the stove, still not replying to the boy. "From who?"

"You past and you future." I reply to the boy as Enola fusses with glasses "Your family."

"No. They wouldn't." Tewksbury says in denial.

I look Enola who nods at me as we had discussed the topic this morning "Your family did not send a detective to find you. No, they could have but they didn't. Instead they sent a murderer." I nod at Enola's words.

"Why would anyone want me dead?" He asks. Man this boy was daft sometimes.

"Countless reasons." Buts in Enola "Your title, your land your estate, your seat."

"Your silly smile, your personality, your ridiculous hair." I add causing Tewksbury to flash me a smile even though it really isn't the time for smiling.

"Greed does funny things to people Tewksbury." Enola says while checking the water. She's then goes on to explain that maybe his fathers death was for a reason as well. Someone planned it. Although I kind of zone out halfway through while staring out the window.

Tewksbury now in full on denial stage which is quite reasonable in my opinion "So now you think that they killed me father?"

"I don't think." Enola says setting the jug back down again "I know."

"No. No. None of this makes the slightest sense my father's death was caused by a blotched bugler." he protests "and- and it would have been easier to kill me before I ran away. Rather than now-."

As the two of them argue I look around the room movement in the corner catching my eye. That's is when I see two gloved hands curling around the door slowly opening it.

"I think they tried to, Ester found the branch that had almost killed you it had been cut." Enola firmly says.

"Cut?" Gasps Tewksbury.

I move with speed rushing to the finally boiled kettle and swinging it around smacking it in the middle of the mans chest.

"Oh gosh! Gosh!" Shouts the man.

"Run!" Enola shouts rushing out of the door and up the stairs.

Tewksbury just stands there looking all quite dazed that I just hit a man and the information he just received. So I run over slipping his palm into mine before shoving the man back down and running up the stairs behind Enola. Dragging the young lord behind me.

We slam the door of our bedroom shut. All of us moving the chest Infront of the door. I breathe in panic as we all lean against the chest. Tewksbury squeezes my hands slightly to calm me down a bit.

"Open up Miss Posy, or should I say Miss Holmes!" The man shouts pounding on the door and trying to scrape it open.

Enola shakes her head pointing me at our belongings. I quicky gather them moving across the room at pure speed and shoving it all into my duffle bag. Before returning to help the other two out all of us using our weight against the door.

We heard bickering behind the door before it was pushed with allot of force so I a guessing that's that the people that were bickering decided to help out. We all grunt as we struggle to keep the door closed.

Enola turns to me a sad look in her eyes. Over the past few weeks in London I have got to know Enola Holmes well. We would spend along of our time together and at night before we sleep we have chats about nothing and everything. I know the look in her eyes, it's the look of that she has given up.

"Both of you, you see that window over there it leads to a roof I need you to climb out and take off into nowhere." She says firmly no argument evident in her tone.

"I am not leaving you Enola." I say firmly. "You go Tewksbury, I will stay and fight." I gesture to the young lord who shakes his head and grips my hand which he is still holding tighter. As if he shall never let go.

"Nonsense." Says Enola smiling at me in a strained way. "If I get caught I simply get sent to a finishing school. You would be forced to marry by your parents and Tewksbury would be killed."

"You can still come!" I beg my eyes starting to water. I am not crying. It is a sign of weakness, I am not weak. So I try to bite back the tears.

"Get out Ester." Enola begs "Please. You are my closest friend my best friend. Plus you made me a promise and I plan on holding you to it." She smiles through the pain of holding the door. 

"But..." I plead on last time.

"Ester, Tewksbury go!" She shouts. "Go!" "GO!"

I hug Enola tightly smiling the best I can through the feelings that I try to push down before holding up my pinky which she smiles at and joins hers to mine, tears evident in her eyes.

I then let Tewksbury drag me away from Enola. We both climb onto the window ledge. Tewksbury dropping down to the roof his hands outstretched waiting to help me jump down.

"I will find you!" I shout back at Enola. My voice cracking slightly as I let the emotions take control. Enola smiles at me. One of her Enola Holmes smiles that I could never forget. Before she lets go of the door the man barges into the room just As I drop down into Tewksbury's waiting arms.


Tewksbury took me back to his apartment that he said he bought, not rented bought with his money. He was right it was just a "tad" bit more comfortable then mine and Enola room at the in. The walls are green and every corner is littered with plants. Which I cannot seem to compliment or make myself talk at all for that matter.

Tewksbury hands me a cup of warm tea which I clasp in my hand while staring into space. How do I rescue Enola?

The Viscount sits opposite me looking at a paper while sipping his own cup of tea. "I made her a promise." I speak my voice slightly horse from the excitement of the day. My words ring through the quiet apartment and Tewksbury reaches my gaze right away staring softly at me. "I promised Enola if she's ever got dragged to the boarding school, I would rescue her. Get her back."

"That we will." The young lord smiles at me "But the question is how?"

This sends me into a deep spiral of thought my mind heading to every conversation I have ever had with Enola. That's when I get it. Sherlock Holmes. Enola has always talked fondly of him but never the same of Mycroft.

Surely Sherlock Holmes will want what is best for his sister instead of being taught to become a lady.

"I have a plan." I say with a confident smirk.

"Really now?" Tewksbury smiles folding his paper away and giving me his full attention. Which I cannot help but blush at his kind gaze.

"It is going to be hard to pull off and I need your help." I reply.

"Of course." Tewksbury replies without a second thought.

"And Sherlock Holmes use of a distraction." I say very proud with my forming plan.

"Sherlock Holmes?" Gasps Tewksbury "how do you suggest we get him on board?"

"The fact that he wants the best for Enola should be pretty swaying but apart from that my presentation of wit could also believe we are worth his time." I reply thinking it through as I talk.

"What wit?" The boy asks in a teasing way causing me to smack him over the head. He gasps as if he is offended before smiling widely and proceeding to chase me about the apartment.

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