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We walk down the back lanes, walking past the rundown houses and warn out shops

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We walk down the back lanes, walking past the rundown houses and warn out shops. As we pass people look suspiciously up at us and talking quietly. I quicken the pace not liking their gazes on us.

We finally enter a quite wide cobbled road, me and Enola look around looking for anything that could stick out. Then I see it, it's a part of color and definitely sticks out against the rest of the dull street. I walk over it's a ribbon tied onto a padlock.

"Enola!" I call and the girl comes running over to me.

She gasps happily beaming at me. "This is my mother's ribbon, good spot Ester." She then proceeds to tug at the lock trying to get in to unlock but it doesn't budge.

"I have an idea." I say and she stands back letting me get a closer look at the padlock. Out of my dress pocket I pull out my knife and a pin and start fiddling with the bolt finally the sound of a satisfying click comes into place and I know have done it.

"I didn't know you could pick a lock." Enola smiles opening the door to the room, the smell of Sulphur and other chemicals hitting my nose.

"I can do allot of thing, allot of girls can't 'Nola. But that is why we are special." I reply smiling at her as she strokes the marking on the crates that scatter all over the room filling most of the walls.

I watch Enola as she smiles as she touches the powder on the table and she pours a drop of liquid on it and laughs when I jump back as it explodes. I reach for some papers and on the top of the table it says 'Votes for women' causing me to smile widely. "You know 'Nola I have never met your mother but I am starting to like her already." I announce.

Enola takes of one of the crates lids gasping a hand placed over her mouth in shock. I instantly walk over gazing into the crate. Bombs.

"Enola, What is your mother planning?" I carefully ask placing a kind hand on her shoulder.

"I am not sure." She breathlessly says back almost as if she cannot believe it. Eventually she collects herself announcing "Lets go back to our room, I have seen quite enough."

So we both leave down the cobble streets walking together and often chatting about randomness subjects that come to mind . But before we can exit onto the Main Street a large hand grabs us from behind dragging us to the side of the alleyway over to a water trough.

Me and Enola thrash if fear attempting to kick and scream but before we can cause to much racket the person restricting us dunks our heads into the water trough.

We both instantly start panicking in the water gasping for air and screaming. Our hands slipping from the edge of the trough and the water burning my throat. Just as I am about to give up the man takes our heads out of the trough. My hair splashing all over my nice new long sleeved shirt Enola got for me.

"I will ask you both this only once. Where is the marques?" The man hisses his voice raspy and strained. Only now I can get a better look at him. Brown bowler hat man. Sh*t!

Me and Enola both make eye contact panting to catch our breaths, we don't need to talk because we are both thinking the same thing. "Now how might that be?" Me and her ask at the same time, just to get our heads shoved under water again.

We gasp for air struggling. Before we are lifted out of water again after being held down for a while "We went our separate ways." Enola tries to bargain, both us of gasping for breath.

He keeps dunking us repeatedly until Enola says "We went our separate ways, we have nothing to do with him."

"That's a shame." He says in a full on killer voice "Well you have seen my face now."

"No your face is totally unrememberable !!!" Enola shouts and before we know it we are dunked back in the water again.

He holds us both down harder this time and I know one thought spurring through my mind. I am going to die. Both our arms slip from the edge and we struggle again and again. Until Enola looks at me in the water and stops moving but I can see she is still alive. Making him think she is dead so I do the same letting my body go limp.

She turns slightly in the water smiling and winking at me and we both lift our head from the water, Enola smacking the guys face with the back of her head causing him to fall back into some equipment.

I grab Enola's hand and we run.

"This way!" Enola shouts and we hide behind a wall hoping for the best.

We can hear the guy getting closer and closer to us as he searches the street checking behind different items. Knowing we can't have got far.

He finds us grabbing me first as I am the one closest to him and pulls me into a fight. I shout dramatically elbowing him in the stomach causing him to buckle over before wrapping him with one of my arms and throwing him backwards to the floor landing on top of him.

He grunts at the impact and I smirk at his pained face before spinning away and grabbing Enola's hand so she can help me up. Then we are running again. Him right behind us.

He grabs Enola's ankle causing her to fall flat on the floor on her stomach, she jumps back to her feet and is back next to me again. The guy swings the pipe at us. But we successfully doge every time.

Then me and her start to fight back Me punching his arm causing him to drop the metal pipe and Enola grabbing his shoulder forcing him away. But she gets pushed into a wall. She coughs loudly groaning and the guy approaches her menacingly.

Not on my watch. I kick him square in the face and Enola gets to her feet and punches him in the gut. He eventually trips Enola to the floor but she tries to do the corkscrew again but fails, the guy picking her up and throwing her into the doors with the lock I picked.

I run after them jumping into the room and helping Enola up standing next to her as the guy removes a knife from a brace on his shin.

Enola leans on me and we both back away. He has a knife. He swings at us and me and Enola duck. He swings again but misses. That's when Enola pushed me behind her. I go to push Infront of her but the guy aims, hitting the knife into her stomach.

"Enola!" I shout and she gasps ripping the knife out of her abandonment feeling the hole before smiling.

"I knew this would have a true use." She smirks at the guy. He walks her into the corner and I go to the center of the room looking around for anything I can help Enola with. Of course, the bomb powder.

"No more surprises." The guy states, Enola now pressed against the wooden crates.

"No." She says shaking her head watching me with her other eye "No."

"Actually, I have a surprise!" I announce causing the guy to spin around "Never take your eye of your opponents." I smirk before dropping the liquid onto the bomb powder and it starts to explode.

Enola runs to me and we grab each other's hand before running as fast as we can to get out of there. Laughing while doing so.

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