Chapter 10: Iron Moth

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Sada and Arven stopped what they were doing and turned their heads when they heard Miraidon.

Arven ran his fingers through his oily hair and said, "What on Earth has gotten into Miraidon?"

"Agias!" That time, Miraidon's cry busted down the back door and swamped the cabin like an enormous wave crashing into the shoreline.

In listening to him, Sada saw the Past Pokémon running for their lives, the earth breaking, and the space-time rift opening in all the chaos. What a horrible memory, but she tried not to let it get to her, even though it was difficult.

She and Arven tossed their knives onto the counter and hustled for the door.

Sada placed her hand in her pocket. In a calm voice, she guessed, "He may have seen a Slither Wing. There's a rabble of them that fly by occasionally." She forced a smile and looked at the worried teens. "Not to worry. Y'all stay here, and I'll check it out."

"Stay here?" Nemona asked. "And do what? I wanna battle!"

"I already told you to stay clear of the Paradox Pokémon, Nemona," Sada said. "Trust me, most of these ones are far more ruthless than the ones you faced in Area Zero. I don't want any of you getting hurt." Her eyes moved over to Arven. "Especially you, Arven, since you already took a beating in the Zero Lab."

"Bu... But, Mom," Arven stuttered. He shook his head. "No, I'm going with you."

"No, you're not," Sada sternly stated. "You're too young." She took Arven's shoulders and sat him down in his chair. "Remember my code. My battling abilities surpass even the Champion. I'll be fine." She patted Arven's shoulder and turned on her heel. "Miraidon, I'm coming!"


Arven rose to his feet, but Penny held her arms up to his chest.

"You heard the lady. We need to stay here."

"I don't care." Arven ripped Penny's arms off him, and she toppled back onto the chair. "She's my mom, and I'm not going to let her run astray with a bunch of dangerous Pokémon."

Penny's face reddened. Like a volcano during an earthquake, she erupted, hopped off the couch, and snatched Arven's shirt collar. "For Pete's Sake, Arven, your mom is dead!" Penny shook his shirt a few times. "What you're looking at is an AI! A robot! You want proof? I'll give you proof."

Penny started to pull out her phone, but Scarlet grabbed her and lugged her away from Arven before she could.

"My mom's not dead, Penny!" he shouted, straightening his collar. "I love her, and she's ghosted me long enough."

"You're in love with an AI?" Penny growled. "That's sick, Arven. It's a freaking robot."

"She's not an 'it'! She's my mom!"

"She's an AI!"

Nemona finally stepped in. She turned on her student president self and pushed Arven and Penny apart before they could draw their pokéballs. "Break it up, you two!" Pausing, she inhaled and lowered her voice. She faced Arven, who was on the brink of tears. "Arven, we understand. It's sad, and it hurts. However, what Penny's saying is true. Your mom"—she shook her head—"she died. AI Sada told us in Area Zero. You've got to accept it."

"No, never," Arven choked out. "A computer's controlling her. I just need to find a way to break her away from it, and then I'll finally have my mom back. If y'all don't want to help me, fine. I'll do it myself." He dropped his pack and clutched Mabosstiff's pokéball. Arven barely saw Scarlet hold out her hand before he rushed outside.

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