Chapter 3: Strange World.

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With the barrel of the rifle aimed towards the girl hiding behind the the white leather couch, the soldier's hands trembled at the trigger. Taking deep breaths to slow down her breathing, ready to pull the trigger. The blonde haired girl needed to formulate a plan and quick. She patted down her body hoping she had something capable to protect herself. Yeji reached into her pocket, she found a way out.

On the other side of the couch, the black haired girl's thoughts were filled with uncertainty and fear, confusion and more fear. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and opened them again to see a crumpled tissue being waved from behind the couch. 

Dumbfounded by the strange action, the soldier let out a light chuckle before lowering the weapon. Yeji peeked over the couch again and let out a deep breath, her weak legs managed to lift her body off the cold tiles. The two girls made eye contact with each other. The blonde observed the soldier's beautiful light brown eyes, noticing sadness inside her.

After moments of creepily staring at each other, Yeji finally walked around the couch surprising the other girl. The soldier took a few steps back, wanting to maintain space between herself and the stranger. Yeji lifted her hand up preparing to introduce herself to the dark haired girl. The soldier panicked and ran the other way around the couch before crouching under the dining table.

Huh? What happened? Why is she scared of me?! She was the one that pointed the gun at me, I'm the one that's supposed to be scared. Yeji looked at the mirror beside the door. Oh right, my eyes. The cat eyed girl had always been insecure with her eyes. When she was younger, she wasn't able to make many friends in school solely due her face. Her cat like features radiated beauty and elegance which cause many misconceptions about the young girl thinking that she was mean or bitchy. It didn't help that her family is known to be rich so many people believed that she was snobby and to good to socialise with the other children. In order to appear less intimidating, Yeji started to smile more.

Walking slowly towards the frightened girl, Yeji heard heavy breathing from under the table. She lowered herself to meet the other pair of eyes.

"Hey, you're okay. I won't hurt you.", Yeji softly said as she smiled towards the other girl."Ryujin right? Take a deep breath, I'll take you outside".

A million thoughts flew through the young soldiers head. Who is she? Am I really considering to follow her? She looks scary as fuck, I shouldn't have left my gun there. Looking for the silver lining in her situation, Ryujin took a deep breath, preparing to take a big risk and crawled out from under the table. She stood up but kept her glaze low, avoiding further eye contact with the other girl. Yeji wanted to comfort the skittish woman, she hovered hand onto her back but remember how she flinched at her sudden movement. Yeji spun on her heels and made her way to the balcony.

Ryujin followed Yeji with a very generous distance behind her. The owner of the penthouse unlocked the door to the balcony, a cold gust of wind hit Ryujin, relaxing all the tense muscles in her body. She followed the blonde and leaned onto the railing in front of her. The night sky was illuminated by the abundance of the city lights below, she listened to the wind rushing through her hair along with the sounds of cars driving through the streets. Ryujin watched as people were sitting together creating simple memories with their loved ones. The girl from the past is in awe of the future in front of her. Yeji turned over detecting the fascination in the girl's eyes.

"What are you thinking about, Ryujin?" Yeji asked, breaking the silence. The dark haired girl looks over to Yeji who is smiling. She took notice of her features-- how her eyes no longer were intimidating but was bright, her teeth that peeked through her lips and the mole that is placed perfectly on the blonde's nose.

"What year is it?", Ryujin asked with her monotone voice.

"It's 2019", Yeji replied.

"Hmm, a lot has changed since my time. This is a strange world" Ryujin turned back to the view, analysing every detail of the busy city.

"What year did you live in?"


"Have you been in that book since 1941?!"

Ryujin started to remember her life back before she was forced into the book. Her parents migrated to Europe, hoping to start a new life there. They worked hard every day to provide for the family. But overworking lead to her parents demise. Ryujin and her sister was forced onto the streets to fend for themselves. It was a hard life for the girls.

Ryujin nodded, standing at the railing to absorb as much of the fresh air as she can, not knowing if she'll ever experience it again.

"Ryujin, It's probably been a while since you've had food. Would you like me to make you something to eat or drink?

With impeccable timing, she heard the soldier's stomach rumble at the thought of food. She took it as an answer and walked back into the penthouse.

Following the blonde, Ryujin proceeded to sit at the furthest seat away from Yeji as she began to cook some ramen and eggs.

Soon after, Yeji placed a bowl and chopsticks on the table in front of Ryujin. She slightly flinched when the blonde's hands were close to her. Yeji quickly moved her hand away and headed back into the kitchen to fetch a glass of water for her unannounced guest. The hungry girl smelt the ramen that was in front of her, it had been a while since she had consumed food that was actually made for human consumption. Ryujin picked up the pair of chopsticks and started to gorge on the noodles to relieve the pain in her stomach.

Yeji placed the glass beside Ryujin and sat on the chair furthest from her so she can feel more comfortable. The cat eyed girl watched the poor girl devour the noodles, even though she was eating with such speed, she still looked beautiful. Her facial features are... handsome, not in a manly sense but she was incredibly captivating.

Ryujin continued to stuff noodles into her mouth but she felt someone's eyes on her. With her mouth still full, she slowly looked at the pair of eyes glaring at her from across the table. The hungry girl quickly swallowed her ramen and wiped her mouth giving Yeji a sheepish look.

"Sorry, I haven't had ramen in so long and ramen is one of my favourite food and like you made it so delicious and I couldn't help myself so I just nom nom nom", Ryujin quickly rambled trying to defend her actions as Yeji let out a loud laugh.

"Please, I find it amusing to see someone eat ramen with such passion and eagerness", Yeji still struggling to contain her laughter. Ryujin flashed her whisker dimples at the cat eyed girl.

Mine; Ryeji FFHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin