Chapter 16: Promise.

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The car stopped in front of a nursing home, Ryujin could not stop her tremors. Yeji noticed it, she held the younger girl's shaky hands as they made their way to the reception.

"Who are you visiting?", the receptionist asked the two girls.

"Park Yuna", Yeji replied, holding the other's hand tightly.

"Who are you to Mrs. Park?"

"Ryujin here is her granddaughter"

"Ok, sign here", the receptionist handed Ryujin a clipboard.
Desperate to see her sister, her heart pounded her chest heavily. They walk past doors which houses many elderly people who are staring out the window, reliving the moments that lead up to the present. The pair made their way to room 212.

"Are you okay, Ryu?", Yeji asked, looking at Ryujin attentively.

The older sister braced herself as she opened the door.

The white walls blinded the girls, a window overlooked the luscious green grass outside. Ryujin looks over to the occupied bed against the wall, connected with various wires and cables. A ventilator rans powerfully, keeping the weak old lady breathing. She watched as her sister's chest rises and sinks in a steady rhythm, she laid unconscious. Ryujin quietly walked over to the bedside and held the other's hand. Yeji stood beside her friend. Rubbing the backside of Yuna's rough and wrinkly hand, she began to shed tears as she remembered their last interaction on the dock in the UK.


"There are so many boats!!", the younger Shin said gleefully.

"You're right, I think that boat is going somewhere far..", Ryujin replied, pointing at a boat which she knows that Yuna would be boarding onto.

The older Shin could not hold back her tears, holding the little girl in a tight embrace, not wanting to let her go.

"What- What are you doing?", Yuna struggled to get words out of her mouth.

"Please stay safe, live a full life. I love you so much Yuna", Ryujin sobbed into her sister's shirt.

"What are you saying? Don't say that Ryu", She pulled back from the crying girl, with a tear running down her eye.

A tall large Korean man walked towards Yuna and grabbed her by the wrist. "Let me go.", she attempted to escape from the man's grasp but failed. "What's happening?!", she screamed.

"Say hello to uncle for me, eat a lot for me, I'm sorry I couldn't give you the life you deserve. ", Ryujin stuttered as she held herself back from running back into her sister's arms.

"Let's go back together Ryu, do-don't leave me", the younger sister wailed, trying to go back to Ryujin.

The man grew impatient so he picked the girl up and threw her over his shoulder and walked towards the boat.

"I'm sorry, Yuna.", she said, lowering her gaze to avoid the pain in her sister's eyes.

"I'll wait for you, Ryujin. No matter how long it takes, I will find you. I will see you again.", The younger girl screamedat her sister.

The older sister turned her back on Yuna and walked back into the streets, suddenly her knees buckle beneath her. She placed her hands onto the ground, the pain in her heart seeped through out her body, tears landed into the dirty pavement, people walked around her. She was alone, left behind by her last and only remaining family member. 

"I promise, I will see you again."

*End of flashback*

"I'm back Yuna, I'm sorry it took this long.", Ryujin gently squeezed her sister's hand with no response from the other.

"Can you hear me? Can you hear my voice? Your sister is back Yuna. I am really sorry. I wished I could have come back sooner. I wish I was able to be with you through all your struggles, her successes, I wish I could have been here with you when you got married, when you gave birth to your kids, your grandkids. Do you remember when we sat on the roof of our old, dilapidated house when we were kids? We looked into the stars talking about flying through the sky together. That's when I knew that I wanted to give you the world, the universe, everything. That's why I sent you back to Korea, I wanted to give you my wings. And you did.", Ryujin broke down, placing her head onto her sister's hands.

Yeji watched the heartwarming words coming out of Ryujin's heart, though her own heart was shattering. She bit her bottom lip, holding back her tears.

"I was trapped the last several decades, so I couldn't come to you. There is a beautiful girl standing in front of you, her name is Yeji. She helped me come back to you, Yuna.", Ryujin looked back to Yeji, grateful for her reuniting them back together.  

"Yuna, your sister really loves you. She always talk about you, how much she misses you and the hard times you both went through. Now that we finally met, I can see why she loves you a lot.", Yeji finally spoke. After she expresses her last words, Ryujin felt a faint movement in her hand. Yuna managed to muster up the last of her strength squeeze back her sister's hand. After almost a century of being apart, the Shin sisters were at last together again.

Moments pass, Ryujin still held her sister's hand not wanting to seperate again after the time apart. A loud continuous alarm echoed throughout the room.

Ryujin looked over to the cat eyed girl, who was now crying heavily. "What is happening, Yeji? What is that noise?!"

Yeji walked over to Ryujin and hugged her. The nurses and doctors burst into the room, attempting to revive the lifeless body on the bed. "I'm sorry, Ryu."

Ryujin quickly understood the situation, feeling her heart shatter with the commotion in the room. "No, NO. YUNA, YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME YET.", she tried to get back to her sister. The nurses stops her from doing so.

"I'm sorry, there is nothing more we can do.", the doctor said as he switched off the heart monitor. The medical team left the room, allowing the two girls to stay for a short moment.

The older sister walked back to Yuna's bedside. "Thank you for waiting for me, my beloved sister."

Ryujin looked back at Yeji who held her in a loving embrace.

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