Chapter 5: New Start.

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After Yeji washed the mugs in the kitchen, she lead Ryujin into the guest room in her spacious penthouse. Ryujin stared at the vintage paintings hanging on the white walls, the queen sized bed that is neatly made with a modern lamp illuminating the room on top of a white wooden bedside table. Beside the bed, a floor to ceiling window revealed the brightly lit view of the city. Never in her life had Ryujin experienced luxury, she felt uneasy with the glamour and richness. Everything felt foreign to her.

"There is some spare clothes in the closet, the bathroom is in that room there. Feel free to explore the penthouse, get comfortable. My room is next door, if you need anything just knock. I'm going to sleep. Good night Ryujin." Yeji closed the door behind her.

Ryujin placed her rifle on top of the study desk beside the window then walked into the closet, picking up a white shirt, sweatpants and a towel. She was missing a important article of clothing so she walks next door. Ryujin lightly knocked 3 times on the door. The door opened revealing Yeji already dressed in her pyjamas.

"Underwear.", Ryujin asked monotone.

"What?!", Yeji's eyes widened.

"Do you have underwear?"

"Yeah I'm wearing underwear", Yeji stared at the other girl in confusion.

"Give me some underwear.", she rolled her eyes.

"OOOOH RIGHT, give me a second.", Yeji quickly walked over to her closet and gave Ryujin a pair of CLEAN underwear.

"Thank you Yeji, Good Night." After obtaining the underwear, she heads back into the guest bathroom. 

The soldier turned on the bath letting the tub fill up with warm water, she took off her clothes. Looking in the mirror, bruises and scars covers her back. Constant reminders of the experiences that continues to haunt her.

Ryujin lowered herself into the water in the bathtub allowing the warmth consume her body and cleanse herself. She started to clean herself, not leaving a single part of her body untouched. His touch, I have to clean it, fuck I need to get rid of it. Ryujin continued to scrub herself until her skin turned red and sensitive to the touch.

The dark haired girl got dressed and walked towards the bed. Her sensitive back landed harshly onto the soft mattress, she releases a sound pleasure. The comfort of the bed felt so foreign to her, it became uncomfortable the longer she stayed in the bed.

Unable to sleep, Ryujin got up and walked towards Yeji's room. She slowly opened the door, not wanting to wake up the sleeping girl. Creeping closer to her bed and lowering herself to the deep sleeper's level, the girl looked precious, envious of how at peace the girl is. A loud noise came out of Yeji's mouth startling the stalker. Ryujin softly chuckled and leaves the room, heading towards the kitchen.

As Ryujin pours out a glass of water to quench her thirst, she noticed a familiar box on the countertop. It's a pack of cigarettes, it's been a while since she had one. When she was in the midst of the war, her comrades and herself would reward themselves for surviving a day on the battlefield with a cigarette. Ryujin smiled as she picked up the pack and lighter, heading outside to the balcony.

Lighting the cigarette, she inhaled the smoke, allowing it to fill her lungs. As she exhaled, she feels the nicotine relax her body. Ryujin stood on the balcony until the sunrises.

A New Start.

short chapter hehe

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