Chapter 21: Dance.

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The summer heat was unbearable for the couple, sitting under the air conditioner in a luxury store. They needed to find some outfits for Chaeryeong's birthday party later in the night, something that was light and flowly to combat the scorching temperature in Seoul. They picked out some clothes and left the store, walking to the nearby ice cream parlour, sitting inside and chatting about their plans for the night.




The bass echoed through the club, the vibrations from the music controlled everyone's breathing. A crowd of people moved with the beat of the music under the strobing lights, fully intoxicated and having a fun night. They walked towards a table where Chaeryeong quickly got up and greeted the two girls.

"Guys, get some drinks!! It's on a tab so don't worry about spending any money, just have fun and get wasted!!", Chaeryeong screamed through the loud, pumping music before running to the dancefloor.

Yeji turned to Ryujin, "Let's get some drinks."

They dodged all the drunk people grinding on each other on their to the bar and order some shots to which the two quickly down. The alcohol quickly took effect, leaving the two feeling buzzed and heated. Thank god they decided to get outfits with excellent air flow.

In hopes of having a fun night, they headed to the dancefloor. Yeji's hips swayed in beat of the song playing, running her fingers through her hair and down her neck. Ryujin didn't have much experience with dancing so her actions came off as stiff and awkward. Yeji grabbed Ryujin's hands and lead her to move along with the rhythm, the inexperienced dancer quickly got the hang of the moves and danced with Yeji. Ryujin was no longer in control of her body, allowing it to move on it's own as if she was in a trance. The blonde getting away with the music, turned around pulling the other's hands towards her back, causing the space between them to disappear. They continued dancing for a while before Ryujin left for the bathroom.

She washed her face in the sink, in disbelief of the events that occured. Ryujin stared in the mirror to come back to reality before heading back out into the club. Losing sight on Yeji, she walked back to the table where she saw Chaeryeong sitting with mystery girl. She looked closer to see a familiar face with Yeji's best friend. 

"Holy shit", that girl with Yeji's friend was Yeji's boss. She stood there, lost in her thoughts. Hesitating to walk towards them, the two began making out, heavily. Ryujin looked away from the unholy sight, struggling to hold back her laughter. She couldn't wait to tell Yeji. The dark haired girl walked to the bar, to her surprise, Yeji was there. She was there with another man. She stood there, watching the man buy her a drink which Yeji refused. The man stood closer to her, Yeji moved away resulting in the man grabbing her hand to pull her closer. Ryujin's legs moved, walking towards the pair and with her arm having a mind of its own, landed a blow into the man's jaw. He toppled over, falling to the floor. She grabbed Yeji's hand and took her outside.

"Did he hurt you?!", Ryujin let go of her hand, eyeing every part of Yeji's perfect body.

"He didn't."

"Are you okay, Yeji?", she said concerned.

"No he didn't, but thank you for saving me.", Yeji words slurred.

"Wow, you are drunk.", Ryujin stared at the drunk girl.

"NoOo, we drank the same amount.. You'Re DruNk", Yeji poked Ryujin in the shoulder, causing the latter to laugh.

"I have a better tolerance than you.. ANYways, let's get you sobered up a bit", the somewhat sober girl said, pulling the other.

"B-but what about Chaeryeong~", Yeji whined. 

"Oh, she's fine.. she's a bit preoccupied..", Ryujin smirked, hiding the laughter.

"Okie DOkie"




They stumbled their way to the convenience store next to their apartment, Ryujin picked out some ramen and drinks while Yeji grabbed an armful of snacks. After Ryujin paid for the food, they took a seat next to the window. The dark haired girl opened a bottle of water for Yeji before walking to the hot water machine to make the ramen.  Ryujin returned back to the table, the cat eyed girl smiled in glee seeing the ramen being put on the table. They enjoyed their food and drinks and walked back to the apartment.

Ryujin took off Yeji's shoes before her own, placing it beside the door. Yeji, who was soberish, walked into her room to freshen up, the other doing the same. After washing up, Ryujin walked out to the balcony for a cigarette. To her surprise, Yeji stood beside Ryujin, also with a cigarette.

"Are you conscious now?", Ryujin asked, not looking at the other girl.

"Yup", she said, popping the 'P'. "How was your first clubbing experience?"

"I enjoyed it, I need to learn more dance moves though. You on the other hand, holy shit. If you weren't a designer, you should've become a dancer.", Ryujin exhaled the smoke.

"Thank you for you compliment but I gotta say, for your first time dancing, you are a natural.", she replied.

Ryujin recalls the night, the trance Yeji put her in, the way her hips moved beneaths her hands, the way she was able to make her heart beat like crazy. Then she remembered what happens after.

"Do you normally have guys hit on you like that?", she asked.

"Sadly yes, that's why I stopped my party life, I didn't want to have guys hit on me solely because of my body."

"Well, thankfully I was your knight in shining armour"

"Yes, thank you my love."

"And I will always protect you."

"I love you Ryuddaeng"

"I love you too Yeddeong", they were now facing each other. Lips lock with eachother, increasingly becoming more and more passionate. Yeji knew where it would lead if they continue any longer so she pulls away.

"Let's go to bed."





Yeji's prediction was right, they went to bed, heavily making out. Lying side by side, Yeji savoured the taste of Ryujin's lips on hers. She took Ryujin's hands and moved it towards her chest, the other's breathing becomes increasingly irregular, Yeji took her shirt off leaving her in her bra. The dark haired girl moved back a bit to take in the sight in front of her before capturing her lips again. The cat eyes girl began to leave a trail of kisses from Ryujin's lips to her sharp jawline ending at her neck. A moan escaped from Ryujin's mouth as Yeji's attention goes to the other's pulse point. Ryujin, wanting more, takes the other's hands and leads it to her chest then down her clothed stomach. Yeji was surprised by the girl's bold move and continued to kiss her neck. A tear escaped from Ryujin's eye causing the blonde to stop.

"Ryu, we can stop here. It's okay.", Yeji said softly as we runs her fingers through Ryujin's hair, concerned for her girlfriend's wellbeing.

"I'm okay, I want you. I want your touch. I'm ready.", Ryujin's tears continued to run wanting to let go of her past.

"Okay, at any point you want to stop. Let me know. I'll never be angry at you, I want you to be comfortable with me, okay?", Yeji replied. Ryujin took Yeji's hand from her hair and placed it onto the waistband of her pants.

"Be gentle please", Ryujin looked at Yeji, trusting her with her vulnerability.

"Always, my love."

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