Chapter 14: Beach.

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"Hey Ryujin", It's the fashion designer's day off so she laid on the couch, staring at the ceiling.

"Hmm?", she replied while eating tangerines sitting beside the kitchen counter top.

"I'm bored~~ do you wanna go out?", she whined, propping herself up to look at the other girl.

"What do you have in mind?"

"It's a nice weather today, want to go to the beach?"

Ryujin quickly hopped off her seat and bolted into her room to get dressed.
Ryujin opened the car door and is immediately greeted with the sun's warm embrace. The salt in the air filled up her senses as the waves crashes into the rocks. Yeji's hand interlock with Ryujin's, pulling her into the soft sand. The blonde bent down to take her shoes off, doing the same with Ryujin's shoes and continued to hold hands with her. The two make their way to the water, a wave came and rushed the coolness across their legs. Yeji looked over to the other, a huge smile was plastered on her face, she saw nothing but happiness in her eyes. Ryujin looked over to Yeji, the smile was quickly replaced with mischief as she pushed the other into the water.

Yeji drenched, immediately got up to avoid getting hit by an oncoming wave. "What was that for Ryu?!", Yeji pouted.

"That's for staring at me too long", she said unleashing the most evil cackle Yeji has ever heard from the girl.

"Also... Just wanted to see you get wet."

The brightness in Yeji's eyes shifted into darkness, she quickly pounced at Ryujin to which Ryujin immediately dodged resulting the other girl to fall face first into the water.

Yeji pouted even more than before as she turns around, still in the water. Ryujin folded over, holding her stomach from laughing incredibly hard at the girl's failed plan. She extended her hand out to the wet girl, the blonde grabbed the hand and immediately pulled back. Ryujin toppled over and landed into the sea. Yeji's plan succeeded.

"And that's karma biting you on the ass", Yeji yelled at the girl getting waterboarded by the waves.

"Ok, I deserved that.", Ryujin replied as she moves her hair out of her face. Wanting to take revenge on Yeji, she started splashing the salty water at her, instigating a war.

After the water war, the pair dried themselves off and walk along the rocks. Ryujin was agile with her feet, hopping between rocks effortlessly, as for Yeji... well... she is constantly lowering herself to control her balance, not wanting to fall over. Realising that Ryujin was way ahead of her, the blonde gathered up her courage and jogged towards the other. Closing the distance between the two, a loose rock moved under her foot, she lost her balance. A pair of hands saved her from the impact, Ryujin caught Yeji in her arms. The startled girl thanks her saviour and they both slowly continue their walk.

"Hey Yej, I got something for you", Ryujin clasped her hand tightly to avoid spoiling her surprise for Yeji.

"Here, give me your hand.", Yeji followed the younger girl's instructions and held out her palm.

Ryujin's hands hovered above Yeji's hand and placed a small seashell on it.

"Oh wow it's so pretty", she observed shell. She ran her finger along the edge, noticing a small crack. It's damaged but nevertheless, the shell was beautiful. Yeji put her gift into the pocket of her jean shorts.

They found a comfortable spot on a rock overlooking the sea. The ocean spray would occasionally hit the rocks creating a faint shine of a rainbow. Colourful hues of light never failed to put a smile on Ryujin's face. Seeing the world in endless shades of grey, there is a rainbow.

Yeji is the rainbow in Ryujin's dark clouds.

As the sun began to hide behind the glowing ocean, the waves rest.
"Sunsets are always my favourite, when the sun goes down into the horizon, my favourite time of day begins.", the cat eyed girl turned to face Ryujin.

"Why? Because that's when the party starts?!", she teased.

"... It's because it means I can finally relax, I always found comfort in the dark. On hard days, I come home and look into the night sky. It's the only thing I can rely on. And without the darkness, the stars can't shine.", She smiled looking at the sky, waiting for the shining diamonds to make it's appearance.

"You're like the night sky, Ryujin"

"And you are my moon, Yeji."

Mine; Ryeji FFDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora