Chapter 12: Explosion.

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Days after their heartfelt talk in the guest bedroom, Yeji took her model to the company with her to start with designing outfits. Lia kept pestering the fashion designer about where she found such a perfect model, even offering Ryujin a position as a company model to which she declined, she purely just wanted to assist her friend. After taking measurements, they headed out for lunch at a near by restaurant during their break.

"So, anything you want to do later today? I have the rest of the day off sooooo we can do whatever we want to do", Yeji started a conversation whilst taking bites out of her burger.

"I'm not sure, I'm happy with anything just take me out of the house, I'm starting to feel cooped up in there", Ryujin says, wiping her mouth.

"Hmm... When was the last time you've been to a carnival?"

"About a century ago?"

"Well.. Let's go tonight", Yeji grinned with excitement. The last time she went was when her parents were unable to make it to her 13th birthday due to some unforeseen problems in their company. Yeji was highly upset about the absence so her grandparents took the little girl to the carnival to celebrate her birthday.

After clocking off for the night, they made their way to the carnival. Making their way to the pier, the bright neon lights, smell of churros and hot dogs along with screams of joy overload Ryujin's senses. Most of the screams came from Yeji as she quickly spotted all her favourite carnival rides she had sorely missed from her childhood. They made their way to the pier, Yeji bought the both of them hot dogs to fill their stomach for the much needed energy for the night.

Finishing their snack, they walk pass the game section of the pier. A game stall caught Ryujin's attention, a shooting game. Yeji noticed the other's interest in the game so she asked the game manager rules to the game.

"Shoot 3 of the targets with a bb gun to win one of the prizes.", the manager announced enthusiastically, ready to rake in all the money from Yeji and Ryujin.

"Do you want to play Ryu?", the cat eyed girl turned to the former soldier.

"Let's do it"

Yeji handed the man 5 dollars. Ryujin picked up the gun, ready for the signal to shoot down the targets. Yeji looked over to the player and giggles as she recalled the first time they met.


Ryujin started to shoot down the targets one by one with impressive accuracy, each target dropping with one shot.

"Y-You shot 8 targets down", Yeji's jaw still on the ground. Ryujin looked at the stunned girl and laughed boisterously.

"Uh.. That's the first.. uh.. which prize do you want?", the game manager stood in front of Ryujin in disbelief that he's scam failed.

"Yeji.. close your mouth and pick a toy", Ryujin pointing at the toys hanging on the stall.

"I want that monkey there!"

The game manager handed the winner the plush monkey which she immediately gives to Yeji.

"AHHHH I LUB IT RYU,, BDHAJAJKA IT SO CUTE!!!", Yeji hugged the newly won plush toy tightly.

Ryujin couldn't help but to smile widely. The overwhelming joy beaming out of Yeji caused her to feel emotions she hasn't felt since being in the book. She could only see her in that moment, she felt as if time slowed down, the way her smile brought warmth to Ryujin's cold world. Yeji was the star in Ryujin's dark night sky.

Walking towards the rides, the overgrown child clenched the purple hooded monkey beside Ryujin. They hopped into a roller coaster, the once fearless soldier was now the loudest one on the ride along with the fashion designer laughing her head off. After the disembarking the ride, everyone's eyes landed on the pair. Embarrassed from the attention, they ran to the next ride. The ferris wheel. The cage door securing them into the carriage, Yeji's palm began to sweat.

"Uh Ryu?"


"Just so you know.. This was the ride I didn't want to go on."

"What?! Why?!"

"Uh... heights.. me.."

"Don't tell me you're scared of heights"

"I'm scared of heights"

"Don't look down"

"Bit too late for that"

"Miss Ma'am, you live in a penthouse."






Yeji closed her eyes, choking her poor monkey. Ryujin saw the fear in the blonde's body so she sat closer. Suddenly, a loud explosion erupted.

"Hey Yeji, look over there", Ryujin said softly to the frightened girl whose almost shitting in her pants.

Colourful sparks lit up the night sky, the neon explosions reflect off the calm water below. The ferris wheel stopped operating for those on the ride to enjoy the beautiful view. Yeji weakly opened her eyes then gasping at the sparkles in awe. Ryujin couldn't wipe the smile off her face, she wasn't looking at the fireworks, she was looking at Yeji. Watching the colours reflect off the girl's ethereal cat eyes, it was a moment she wanted to keep in her heart forever.

The wonderstruck girl watched the fire light up the sky, she's seen many fireworks in her time but nothing came close to this moment. She felt something warm running across her hands, looks over to see her hands covered by another. Ryujin's.

So I decided to write another story. I am still writing down the plot for that book. I almost finish writing this one.. also there will be about 30 chapters for this story.

Mine; Ryeji FFWhere stories live. Discover now