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Hell On Earth

Surrounding Preston was pure darkness, nothing else was there but the recent reoccurring void of black and shadows. The blackout she was facing was different. She felt absolutely nothing, yet everything. Usually, it was one or the other, but this time she was going through both. Preston wasn't aware that Bonnie and Damon were still unconscious as well.

    But she also didn't know that she'd been thrown in a different direction. She was laying on the grass and dirt in the woods against a tree. An unknown person watched from afar, unsure of her, but knew who she was. Preston had blood covering parts of her, including her face, arms, shirt, jeans, and hands. The atmosphere shifted in the world, and somehow, even though she wasn't conscious, she could feel a difference. It felt empty, like a void.

    The figure thought it was safe enough to wander a little closer. She was psychic, he could tell. When he looked up at the sky, he swore it went black, and not as night, but like a box of darkness, but it didn't. It couldn't have. Having fallen out of the pocket of her jeans, the old torn up leather wallet Dean had given her, was now laying on the ground. The guy picked it up cautiously, still looking at her, ready to hide. There were a few IDs in the slots. Then he saw one that clicked: Preston Winchester.

    He recognised the last name, then the other ID that also used her actual name had her mother's maiden name, as it read: Preston Campbell. That's when he realised she was a hunter, and he'd be ready to place a bet that she was one of the best damn supernatural hunters. The blood dripping from her nose was black. He noticed her shift in her spot every so slightly. He placed the wallet back on the ground in its original spot, then stood up. He looked back at her one time before scurrying off to hell knows where.

    Preston's eyes opened quickly, looking around as she cursed at her own movement. She hissed in more pain when dirt got in her cut. "Son of a bitch." She spat.

    She looked to her side to see her wallet, she picked it up, putting it in the back of her jeans again. She stumbled as she tried to stand. Preston reached for her knife, making sure it was there, and it was. She came to that conclusion when she accidentally cut her wrist trying to find it.

    She was alive. How the hell was she alive? And where the hell was she? And where in hell were Bonnie and Damon. She shivered for a second. Preston looked around frantically. She swore she saw a shadow of a person, but it disappeared within seconds.

    She walked out of the woods. "Damon? Bonnie?" She hollered. "Also known as 'sad asshole vampire' and 'non-witch witch'." Preston added.

    Preston wandered around, still not registering what the hell had happened. It felt weird and strange and unfamiliar. It was like a separate world from their own. It was like her memories disappeared for a few minutes, then it all came rushing back to her. Preston remembered the darkness, the quick cold feeling, the feeling of being separated from Bonnie and Damon, seeing her mom, and choosing not to follow Enzo. Then she remembered seeing Enzo from the Other Side and she started to panic.

    Her heart felt like it dropped at it. She was completely alone right now. She couldn't find Bonnie or Damon. She left Enzo. And now she was wishing she had just gone back, then she'd be able to see him and see her girlfriend. Sam and Dean wouldn't know, because the state she saw Enzo in, she wasn't sure he'd be okay enough to bring himself to tell them. Because to everyone there, Preston Winchester, Bonnie Bennett and Damon Salvatore were wiped from the world.

    Preston saw two figures in the distance that she managed to realise that they were in fact Bonnie and Damon, which brought her an uncharacteristically feeling of happiness.

Preston's going through it lately

But, here we are at season six, in which Preston is stuck in the Prison World until she gets out (I know, it's a very detailed and interesting summary)

Okay, bye!

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