𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

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Death Keeps Knocking On The Door

Preston woke up in her bed beside Elena. Or rather, Elena was already up, telling Preston to wake up.

"Five more minutes, Lena." Preston groaned.

"No, you will get up now. Come on." Elena told her.

Preston grunted, getting up, changing out of her old worn-out Ac/Dc t-shirt that was technically Dean's old one. Elena started to wake Bonnie up by throwing the covers off of Bonnie.

"Up, up, up. Come on. No time to sleep in. We have to get Jo." Elena said loudly.

"Get Jo?" Bonnie questioned.


"Is everything okay?" Bonnie asked.

"I hope so, considering she's walking down the aisle in T-minus 10 hours. Come on. Wedding bells await." Elena clapped her hands, walking away.

"I can't wait to see what you're gonna be like for our wedding." Preston mused, getting a playful glare from Elena.

Elena dragged Preston and Bonnie out of the dorm room and went to go get Jo.

Now, Jo was pacing around while her wedding dress was hung up. "Crap. They're not here." Jo said with a pile of nerves.

"What's wrong?" Elena wondered.

"My shoes. My gorgeous, expensive, wear-them-once-and-then-never-again shoes, they are missing." Jo rambled.

"Do you want me to do a locator spell?" Bonnie asked.

"On my shoes? Is that possible?" Jo asked.

"I don't know, actually. I'm just... hang on. I gotta figure out how to work this stupid thing." Bonnie yanked on whatever the hell she was yanking on, Preston couldn't tell.

"Good, break it. Because my wrinkled dress will surely distract everyone from my bare feet." Jo panicked.

"Hey, hey. Come on, don't waste all your panic now. You still have eight hours until the ceremony. Nonacloholic mimosa?" Elena offered.

"One, a nonalcoholic mimosa is just orange juice. Two, I can't drink. Somebody should drink. You should drink." Jo said fastly.

"I will drink, eventually. But I have human tolerance now, which is cheaper, but a lot less fun. Cheers." Elena said.

Preston recalled their conversation about how Elena chose to take the cure.

Jo's phone started ringing, so she went to get it.

"Oh. No, no, no. Relax." Elena told Jo, then she answered it. "Jo's phone. Oh. Uh, okay." Elena said with a shaky voice.

"That's not an 'okay' okay. That's a 'there's a problem' okay." Jo intervened.

"Yeah, we'll call you back. Okay, bye." Elena hung up the phone. "Danielle's got the flu." Elena said.

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