𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

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Goodbyes Really Suck

Preston had gone out of town. She knew she should have stayed in Mystic Falls, but she didn't. She was in New Orleans, sitting on a park bench after a therapy session. She heard familiar footsteps approaching and smiled.

"As Elijah says, hello 'Knee-Klaus.'." Preston greeted.

Klaus laughed for a second before sitting down beside her. "A lot has happened, hasn't it?" He knew.

"Well, Bonnie's still in the Prison World. Care's mom isn't doing good at all. I found out I'm a witch, somewhat long story." Preston told Klaus.

"Well, that's a few things. I am glad that you took up therapy. You need it."

"Elena and I are engaged." Preston informed Klaus, who raised his eyebrows and had a smile on his lips.

"You— I knew it! So, when is the big day?" He asked.

"We haven't decided yet. It's been way too hectic. It'll be a while, but within the year. We chose to go with a small one, outside. I'm wearing a suit, she's already picked out a dress, which she refused to let me even see."

"So, who's going to be your best-ma... maid of hon..." Klaus confused himself by accident.

"I don't know. All I know is that we're both going to be walking down the aisle. I'll walk first with Enzo, then I'm waiting for Elena, who's still deciding on who's walking her. Don't worry, you're invited." Preston told Klaus.

"I don't remember the last time I was invited to a wedding. I don't think I ever was." Klaus replied.

Suddenly, Preston felt her heart drop. She furrowed her brows and came to one conclusion: Liz. She got a text from Damon. "I have to go. Now." She told Klaus, who understood immediately.

Preston ran to her truck. She put it in drive and pulled a Days of Thunder speed in order to make it to Mystic Falls, breaking many laws and regulations of the road. But she didn't care.

Preston's heart rate wasn't regulated whatsoever, but that didn't matter to her. She had to get to the hospital. The second she did, she rushed out of the truck, slamming the door as she ran in the hospital. She ran into Damon literally.

"Where is she? Elizabeth Forbes. What room is she in?" Caroline rushed out the words.

"Caroline. Preston." Damon said.

"Damon, what happened?" Caroline questioned.

"Damon?" Preston repeated his name due to him hesitating for one second.

"She fell asleep. I couldn't wake her up. They said she went into a coma." Damon answered.

Everything was slow as they walked to Liz's room.

"They said they could make her comfortable."

Caroline whipped around. "She's not comfortable. She's dying!" She snapped.

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