𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦-𝑠𝑖𝑥

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By The End Of This, You Will Know What You Were Meant To Be

They got to Chicago, which took roughly about 10 hours. They wound up in the woods, where there were two vampires standing there as if they had been anticipating their arrival.

"Hello." Enzo greeted awkwardly.

Preston narrowed her eyes at them.

"Ah, finally... we get to meet the infamous Enzo St. John, vampire, and Preston Winchester, the hunter." One of them, the one with long, blond hair said with a grin.

"Lester, we need the blood, remember..." The brunette reminded 'Lester'.

"You're not getting blood from either one of us." Preston stated firmly.

"Oh? And why not?" Lester questioned, confused.

"Because I will rip you head off and throw into Hell, where you will rot in a cage so awful you would have wished you had never been–"

"Okay, Preston, calm down. Please." Enzo knew it was the very wrong choice of words when they slipped out, making Preston quickly glare at him. "Look, we don't want any trouble–"

"Then why did you come here?" Lester asked.

"To kill your asses." Preston answered honestly.

Lester and his friend fixed their attention on Preston, who was standing her ground, unafraid of the two vampires who looked like they just time travelled from the 1600s.

Lester scoffed. "You wouldn't dare to try to kill us, child."

Preston clenched her jaw. "You underestimate my rage and will to murder you." She told him.

"You will not–"

Preston cut Lester off by throwing a knife at the brunette, cutting his head off with a clean cut. They all watched as his head rolled onto the grass. Lester turned to look at Preston in surprise and anger. Although, he was sort of impressed, she had just murdered his friend.

"You... you killed... you killed Louie."

"Yes, and?" Preston shrugged, not fazed at all.

Lester's eyes widened as he stared at the hunter. "It is time for you to die." He threatened.

Enzo was now glaring at Lester, who had just threatened to kill his child. Enzo sped over, snapping Lester's neck as Preston then went over and cut Lester's head off.

"I'd say that's a good amount of cases, wouldn't you?" Enzo asked Preston.

"Yeah. Let's go back. Elena's been worried sick." Preston agreed, climbing into the truck, wiping her hands on a tissue.

"We're going home. And I have never been happier to be done with a case or dealing with murder." Enzo breathed out, causing Preston to erupt in laughter. "What?"

"Nothing, it's just... these were easy cases compared to others I've done." Preston said with a grin.

"I'm sorry– what?"

"These cases were all really light and easy. I've had cases going on for days and even weeks or months, years... these were like one day each. The only long time was driving." Preston told Enzo.

Enzo stared at her in shock. "There are worse cases than–"


"I am so sorry that you had to do– oh my god, you've done worse cases than this when you were a child." Enzo realised, covering his mouth with his right hand.

"Dad, it doesn't matter. It's in the past and as much as I hate to say it, it made me who I am. It made me realise that if everything was fine, no problems at all, I'd want to be a detective." Preston replied.

"You could be. You'd be a damn good one too." Enzo assured her.

Preston smiled, then she started driving back to Mystic Falls with 'Highway To Hell' playing on the radio. Then came 'Thunderstruck', and lastly, 'Back In Black'.

Preston smiled when they finally reached the sign that said, 'Welcome To Mystic Falls'. She never thought she'd be so happy to see a sign. Then she pulled into the driveway of the house her and Elena had bought. It was a simple house. It wasn't too crowded by other houses.

"Home sweet home." Preston whispered, seeing Elena sitting on the porch swing, waving.

Enzo smiled, getting out of the truck, along with Preston. He grabbed the two duffel bags, putting them inside of the house. Preston grinned as she saw her wife, Preston pulled Elena into a deep kiss. It lingered for a few seconds more before Preston pulled away. "How's the kid doing so far? Is she causing trouble?"

"Everything's perfectly fine, my love! You know, I do love that you're a psychic, it helps with names." Elena smiled as she said those words.

Preston laughed softly for a minute, then walked in the house with Elena following behind her. "You already started painting? Without me?" Preston scoffed.

"I wanted to get it set up and I got one coat of paint on the living room walls." Elena defended herself.

"Elena St. John-Winchester, you are the best thing in my life, besides our daughter." Preston said.

"I made pasta. It's still warm... and she's gone." Elena started but Preston had already started to smell the food.

This was Preston's life so far. And so far, Preston didn't mind it one bit.

Okay, time for the two epilogues, then end note!

It feels very strange that this is basically done now-

Okay, bye!

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