𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦-𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒

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How Do You Do This?

The father-daughter duo were on their way to Denver, Colorado. This time, Enzo was driving while Preston was sleeping in the passenger seat. She was way too tired to be driving. Enzo kept checking to his right to make sure Preston was still alive, then back at the road. Preston mumbled a few curse words here and there in her sleep.

"We're almost there, kiddo." Enzo whispered.

Preston's eyes opened suddenly when Enzo hit a pothole on the road. "Son of a bitch!" She cursed, groaning.


"Not you! The road." Preston dismissed.

Preston gained more consciousness when she needed coffee, so Enzo went to get it, and when he came back, he started driving again until they reached the motel in Denver. Preston was extremely tired today, so she lazily grabbed her laptop out of the bag and laid in the bed, underneath the covers.

"Why don't you take a break, kiddo. I'll keep an eye on it."

"No, if I don't–"

"Preston, you need to sleep. And don't try to say 'I slept in the truck', because you and I both know it wasn't comfortable at all. So, take a break and sleep or at least rest. I'm taking your laptop now." Enzo told her firmly, carefully prying the laptop from Preston's grasp.

Preston groaned in annoyance as she did manage to fall asleep in Sam's old Stanford hoodie, which he knew by now was not returning to him. Ever.

Enzo glanced up from the small wooden table he was sitting at to check up on Preston. He smiled, standing up and walking over to her, he kissed the top of her head, ruffling her hair ever so lightly. Enzo moved back to the table and started to type things in on Google very slowly. Then one came up in a News Article: 13-Year-Old Girl Murdered At Sleepover After Someone Claimed She Had Said 'Bloody Mary' 3 Times.

Enzo sighed. He waited for an hour before waking Preston up. When he did, they changed. Instead of wearing suits, they just wore their usual clothes with black leather jackets, accompanied by new fake IDs.

They arrived at a suburban house that looked the exact same as all of the others, which immensely creeped Preston out. She shivered at the sight of it. She and Enzo walked up to the front door and Preston knocked on the door, weary of everything still.

"Are you cops?" The man asked with tears streaming down his face.

"Yeah, we are. I'm Detective Reynolds, this is Detective Jackman." Preston introduced softly.

"Like Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman?" The man questioned.

"Coincidence." Enzo responded, "may we come in?"

"Yes. Of course." He said, wiping his eyes of the tears.

Preston and Enzo walked inside of the house and followed the man. He led them up to the room where his daughter was murdered. There was blood in the bathroom and a girl, 13 years old, laying on the floor with blood streaming down from the bottom of her eyelids.

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