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Hi! So... The Winchester Series has been completed, but Preston will be making appearances in other series: The Refound Series (Meredith Carson x Elijah Mikaelson), The Roadtrip Series (Scott & Sloane Winchester), and The Supernatural Division Series (Malcolm Maguire x Dean Winchester - more of an au for Preston if she was only in SPN).

This series has plotholes and I am not afraid or ashamed to say that. This series started in December 2021 and before it was even published, it went through a lot of different ideas and plots until I posted it. Some of these changes I'm happy with or I found it just made more sense.

In this end note, you will find little 'Behind The Scenes' (little notes about the series in general, including The Refound Series & The Roadtrip Series), and graphics that I have decided to share for no reason at all.


Preston's sexuality
So, I was going through old drawings I did digitally for pride month for my ocs and realised originally, I had made Preston bi in the original idea/concept. But, as you might have realised, Preston is a lesbian.

Preston's love interests
It feels weird to admit this, but I had this series planned way before I got through TVD, so since I was making Preston bi, her first original love interest was going to be Damon (which I am very glad I changed it). Then I said 'nope, not doing that', so I then I was going to have Preston date Elena as a first love interest, then her endgame love interest was going to be Katherine. Obviously, that changed to her endgame being Elena.

Other Oc's
As you would have noticed in the different series that has Preston in it, you will know that I sort of added the other ocs randomly. This is because originally, I had completely separate series for these ocs, but then I really wanted to mix them all together. So if timelines don't add up (which I know damn well they don't), that's why.

This one isn't that weird, but I wanted to make all of the fic titles Ac/Dc songs.

So, as you know now, Enzo has been confirmed as Preston's bio dad. So, when I was writing her meeting Enzo, I was contemplating whether or not to make him the bio dad or not to Preston. Then I found an old Google Doc where I put background info for Preston (before this series had been published), and I had already decided Enzo was her dad. Therefore, I said 'why the hell not, it's The Vampire Diaries universe & Supernatural'.

Preston's Supernatural Abilties
So, this is where there were a few plotholes and I tried to cover them up in this fic. If you remember, in the first book, it was already starting to show Preston as a psychic and clairvoyant with the symbols. There's also an episode in TVD season 1 (I think) where there was the loud noise only vampires could hear or something like that, and Preston got affected a little bit, same with burning from vervain. So, I fixed that by making it where since Enzo is her bio dad & a vampire, some of the weaknesses transferred to Preston as well.
With the Mark Of Cain, she didn't tell Dean because she knew he'd worry or something (it was also not to make it weird when it happens in SPN).
Now, with Preston being confirmed as a witch... basically, Chuck wanted to make Preston's life miserable, so whenever Kai or Jo got hurt or felt pain, she'd feel it. But in the episode where Jo dies in tvd s6, Preston manages to unlink that curse, which Kai realises.
And, Preston rejected being a vampire, which confused Chuck. And yes, she punched God. She is proud of that.


The Winchesters Promo Poster

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