18.1 // HERE YOU GO

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"What was so important you had to meet me here?" Red eyes observed the grey-haired male sitting in front of him. He tapped his fingers against the counter while waiting on the answer.

"You know Childe and Kaeya are in town, right?" Alhaitham said, taking out his phone and opening up to Kamsta.

"Well yes, it is winter break after all. What is your point?" Diluc raised an eyebrow at his friend's sudden actions.

Alhaitham showed him a picture of Kaeya with Childe, who was sulking on top of a table with a puddle of tears around him. "My friends and I are going to be coming to your tavern tonight. I tried talking them out of it but looks like they really want to be here. Cyno, Kaven, Tighnari, and I will be playing cards tonight."

Diluc sighed, propping his elbow up and pressing his fingers into the side of his head. "Get to the point already."

Alhaitham had navigated his way to Mona's Kamsta page, clicking on a picture of her with (Y/N). He turned the phone around once again to Diluc, pointing his finger at the other girl in the picture. "Do not let those two near her. At all."

"I'm not some babysitter Alhaitham. I am a business owner." Diluc tapped the wooden table at each of his words.

"You owe me a favor if I recall correctly." Diluc turned his lip up at Alhaitham who had a small smirk on his face. Oh how much the redhead hated dealing with this peculiar man when it came down to matters like these.

Outside of owing favors, Alhaitham was a pleasant person to be around. The two had things in common and understand things to the same extent, and even had a similar problem. Having that one person in their life who would always seem to annoy them or find a way to get under their nails.

"And what am I exactly supposed to do? I can tell Kaeya not to step foot in the tavern, but it's not he will listen." This was true, even though their relationship was quite a finicky one, Kaeya always had selective hearing for whatever Diluc had told him not to do. Almost like a child doing as they pleased without caring about the consequences after.

"Be intimidating. Just don't cross the line." Alhaitham narrowed his eyes as Diluc realized what was going on.

Ah, so that's what this is about.

"Do you like this girl?" Diluc asked the question when Alhaitham had picked up his glass of water. The glass wavered in his hand slightly, the water threatening to spill over had the movement been a bit more vigorous.

"Like?" Alhaitham casually took a sip of his water and set the glass back down on the table. He took a quick glance to the sitting area of the tavern while doing so."Perhaps I do."

The redhead raised his gloved hand, with his palm facing upwards as if he was offering something up. "Then why don't tell her to stay back?"

"That would be cruel, would it not? I'm not that heartless. Come on Diluc, you know me better than that."

"Then keep her at your side then. I'm not your personal babysitter. Why don't you ask Albedo? He babysits Klee often, I'm sure he can do the job just fine."

Alhaitham glared at the redhead's sarcasm, who chuckled in response. "That would cause her trouble if I did that. She's friends with Mona and Layla, the astrology lovers. They keep telling her the stars know her fate. Even though (Y/N) beat around the bush with it, (Y/N)'s friends are telling her two of us will end up together."

Diluc scoffed upon hearing the astrology and stars nonsense, as he had heard plenty of that from Mona when she first moved to Mondstadt.

"You owe me a favor, and you're going to do this for me." Alhaitham brought up the favor topic once again, keeping his gaze on the redhead.

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