023 // DAY 13

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possible trigger warning; drugs


"I don't think it's a good idea to let Lucas help with anything related to cooking or baking."

Mona gave you a confused look, fixing the collar of her black sweater. "Why is that?"

"He almost burnt down the house trying to make ramen."

"Hey! I step out of the room for one minute to get changed and this is how you talk about me?" Lucas popped his head from the dining room, his hand gripping the wall.

You shrugged your shoulders as you looked at him from the living room. "I'm just giving them a fair warning." The kitchen was fairly similar to the house Mona was staying in but this one had more room compared to hers.

"Right, and I think you should stay far away from baking. You let the caramel burn because you looked away for three seconds!" The sound of a light object hit the floor as he stepped out, walking into the kitchen. He brushed his hair back, pulling down his black sleeves. He shoved his hands into his front pockets. Of course, he's wearing skinny jeans with holes in them!

A slight burning feeling tickled your cheeks about your dark secret finally being dragged to the light. "It was three seconds! How was I supposed to know that's how quick it burns?!" You pulled at the end of your sleeves, just now realizing you were almost matching shirts with your brother. Except he was wearing a button-up while you weren't. A disgusted look temporarily displayed across your face before you wiped it off.

"That was one of the first instructions in the recipe! It said to not take your eyes off it even for a millisecond." Your younger brother taunted you, waving his phone around in the air. He leaned against the island counter and directed his full attention to his phone.

An aggravated groan emitted from you while Mona snickered behind her hand. "Then the siblings can entertain us tonight and tomorrow while we prepare the food, right?"

"Shut it, Mona." You and Lucas said in unison.

The girl rolled her eyes, looking over at Layla who couldn't care less of the siblings' small bickering. Her eyes drifted over to you, giving the dark blue-haired girl a full-hearted smile in return. "I heard you're going to be helping out with the desserts, Layla."

"Yeah, I just hope no one decides to make it troublesome." She brought the top of her white hoodie to her nose to warm it up.

"Well, you don't have to worry about the horrible baker joining."

"I heard that, you brat."

"Oh wow, such an offensive statement. I think I'm going to go cry a river." Lucas cradled his hand against his left cheek with a frown. You scoffed at his attempt to pull one of your heartstrings.

"(Y/N), I think it would be best if you didn't go near the kitchen. You as well, Lucas. We don't need any distractions." The sleepy girl said bluntly, arrows piercing through both of your heads.

So harsh! You looked over at Layla, her lazy look remaining as if her last sentence was never cast into the wind.

Well, it can't be helped. So that means everyone will be over tonight, right? I think I'll just hide upstairs for the time being with Lucas, it'll be awkward with him in the room.

"Eh? What are you thinking about?" Lucas smacked the back of your head, making you turn around with your eyebrows furrowed at him. "Don't tell me that jackass is on your mind because if he is, I'm going to blow your phone up with memes later tonight." You raised your right hand slowly with only your middle finger sticking up in response to his statement.

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